Auxiliary Member Honored as 'Rosie the Riveter'

Jul 17, 2024 | by R. McAllister and H. Harwell

On April 10, 2024, in Washington D.C., Rome, GA Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary (SAWA) member Barbara Esler and other legendary ‘Rosie the Riveters’ from WWII received a significant honor: the Congressional Gold Medal, one of the nation’s highest civilian awards. This honored the American women who joined the workforce or volunteered in support of the war effort during WWII.

Rosie the Riveter is the iconic title given to women who welded ships, worked on airplanes, rolled bandages and did a variety of other jobs to help in the war effort. Barbara was one of the younger Rosie the Riveters, volunteered and helped the war effort by taking her little red wagon through the neighborhood and collecting what we now consider recyclables, such as tin cans, aluminum foil, newspapers, and scrap metal. Through her school, she also sold war bonds to family members.

With her allowance, she purchased savings stamps, which she pasted into a book. Once full, that book could be turned into a war bond. Those war bonds eventually helped pay for her college tuition.

Barbara has been a member of The Salvation Army of Rome, GA SAWA since 2018, when she was voted in as Treasurer at her first meeting and held that position for many years. Her daughter, Rebecca McAllister, a SAWA member since 2013, encouraged her mother to volunteer when she retired and moved to Georgia to be closer to family.

Major Eunice Harwell, The Salvation Army Representative for the Rome, GA Women’s Auxiliary said, “Barbara and Becky are enthusiastic members, who refuse to sit on the sidelines and are motivated to make a difference in our community. We are thrilled for Barabra to receive this honor, which speaks to her spirit of volunteerism throughout her life. It is a privilege to be able to work alongside them.”

Barbara and Rebecca attended the ceremony at Emancipation Hall, in the United States Capitol building along with over 600 people, with a special tour of the East Wing and central White House the next day.

The Rosie the Riveter Association has a Rome Chapter and members, like Barbara, are ‘Rosies,’ their daughters – such as Rebecca – are called ‘Rosebuds,’ while their sons are referred to as ‘Rivets.’

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