The Salvation Army's AOK Divisional Band Shines at Concert, Despite Hail Storm

Apr 19, 2023 | by Chris Johnson

As we celebrate the dedication and commitment of The Salvation Army's AOK Divisional Band, we cannot help but marvel at the resilience shown by these talented musicians during their recent "end of season" concert in Fort Smith, AR. Despite an unexpected hailstorm that disrupted their outdoor performance, the band moved quickly indoors to continue their mission of serving others through music.

Comprised of 34 gifted bandsmen from Arkansas and Oklahoma, this renowned band meets monthly to rehearse and refine their craft. Their annual concert is a testament to their year-long dedication to perfecting their musical skills, and this year's performance was no exception.

As the storm clouds rolled in, and hailstones as large as baseballs began to fall, the band's priority remained the safety of their audience. Without missing a beat, they seamlessly transitioned their performance indoors, demonstrating a level of commitment and professionalism that is both rare and inspiring.

Bandmaster Andrew Barrington captured the essence of this incredible performance when he said, "The band played at the highest level it's ever played, but what really shined through was that the bandsmen were so dedicated to the ministry that even through a hailstorm, everyone did their part to ensure everyone remained safe and that their music ministry could continue."

The Salvation Army commends the AOK Divisional Band for their exceptional musical talents and unwavering commitment to serving others. They exemplify the true spirit of The Salvation Army's mission, and we are proud to celebrate their incredible performance and dedication to their craft.

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