Boys and Girls Clubs
Tutor: (Charleston and St Albans) Tutors will provide one on one instruction with club members after school between the hours of 2:30-5:30pm, Monday-Friday.
Homework Helper Assistant: (Charleston and St Albans) Homework Assistants will help club members with their homework after school between the hours of 2:30-5:00pm, Monday-Thursday.
Program Helpers: (Charleston and St Albans) Individuals that enjoy working directly with children in our 6 Core Program areas: Education& Career Development, Health & Life Skills, The Arts, Character & Leadership Development, Sports, Fitness & Recreation, and Spiritual Development.
Specialized Instructors: (Charleston and St Albans) Individuals willing to teach specialized curriculum such as Bullying Prevention, Torch Club and STEM.
Data Entry: (Charleston and St Albans) Tech savvy individual able to enter program and attendance data.
Special Event Helpers: ( Charleston and St Albans) Individuals willing to help plan, organize and launch special events, such as Trunk or Treat, Kid’s Day Block Party, etc.
Receptionist: (St Albans) Individual with good communication and people skills to answer the phone and take messages.