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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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How We Help

Holiday Assistance

The Salvation Army recognizes that holidays can bring added financial and emotional stress for families in need. We offer a variety of services to help families and individuals make it through more difficult holiday seasons.

In 2023, The Salvation Army of Corsicana Provided:

  • 800 children from 315 Families with presents underneath the Christmas Tree
  • 450 Families in Navarro County shared a Thanksgiving Meal on Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Food
Box & Angel Tree

Registration for the Angel Tree & Thanksgiving program begins the first week of October. Interviews are administered and families in Navarro County seeking assistance during the Holidays are welcomed and encouraged to apply. Interviews are done in both English and Spanish.  

Emergency Disaster Services

When disaster strikes, The Salvation Army responds quickly, mobilizing its officers, employees, and volunteers wherever needed.

We are an active part of the NCOEM (Navarro County Office of Emergency Management) team.

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 Emergency Services

In 2023, The Salvation Army of Corsicana Provided:

10 Families with Utility Assistance
59 Nights of Shelter
16 Families with Housing Assistance

Shelter Assistance

The Salvation Army Corsicana is proud to offer Hotel Vouchers as well as Rental Assistance to those in our community who need a dry place to lay your head.  Both programs are performed through our Social Services office. Clients must apply to qualify and are eligible once a year. 

Utility Assistance

In these trying times, we understand that sometimes the ends just don't meet.  So, we are happy to offer utility assistance to help cover Electricity, Water and Gas.  This program is managed by our Case Worker, and clients must apply to determine eligibility. 



Youth Programs

We provide summer camp programs as well as Club 316 youth activities and Vacation Bible School.

Other Services

In 2023, The Salvation Army of Corsicana Provided:

2,534 Individuals/Families with Food Boxes
1,441 Clothing Items to Families in Need

Food Pantry

Our Community Food Pantry is available to residents of Navarro County Reside in Navarro County on Monday & Wednesday from 9:00-11:30AM & 1:00-3:00PM as well as Fridays from 9:00AM-11:30AM.

Photo Identification is required to be eligible.

Family Store

Open Tuesday thru Friday from 10am - 4pm
Saturday from 10am - 3pm

Pick-Ups are scheduled on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Donors must call our office (903) 874-7131 and speak with Family Store Manager. 


Spiritual Care

The love of God is at the heart of what we do.  Our service-oriented approach to faith is shared each Sunday at services throughout the country.


Do You Need Assistance? Please tell us how we can help!


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