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To end poverty is to help end a host of related struggles: hunger, addiction, housing insecurity, mental illness, unemployment, educational voids, and various forms of abuse. Generation after generation, these interrelated issues persist. Through short and long-term support we strive to meet the needs of the whole person. We combat the symptoms of poverty with programs serving the body, mind, and soul , then look for the root issues causing them. It is a holistic approach that creates a lasting chance for millions of people each year.
Housing insecurity is often interconnected with prolonged poverty. We work to provide both short and long-term housing assistance to families and individuals who have been displaced. Each year, The Salvation Army provides 10.8 million nights of safe, climate-controlled shelter, helping to restore the health, dignity and stability of each person we serve.
Poverty is often defined by painful choices, such as “heating vs. eating.” The decision between paying bills and feeding you family is an impossible position to be in. That is why, each year, The Salvation Army provides over 60 million nutritious, warm meals to people in need.
The Salvation Army’s Pathway of Hope initiative provides individualized services to families with children who desire to take action to break the cycle of crisis and vulnerability that repeats generation after generation. It seeks to address the root causes of poverty in addition to The Army’s history of compassionate serving. By helping families overcome challenges like unemployment, unstable housing, and lack of education, we can lead families down a path toward increased stability and, ultimately, self-sufficiency.
We believe in a comprehensive approach to helping families pull themselves about the poverty line. This includes equipping parents with educational resources, career coaching, and opportunities for job placement. When people are better prepared for stable and gainful employment, we can reduce the need for bill, food, and shelter assistance.