A Story Of Second Chances by Joseph

May 1, 2023

This is my second time staying at the Center of Hope. It has truly humbled me because I didn’t think it could happen to me again.

The first time I was here was about four years ago. I’d gone through a divorce, lost good jobs, and missed out on advances because of my drinking. I rushed through the program and never fully engaged in what was being taught. I took the first job I could get in my skill set and ran back to doing the same thing I was doing before. And we all know the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

“You’re always just one paycheck away from being homeless.”

I made a wrong decision and lost my job due to that bad decision. I had no savings to fall back on and no money for rent. I couldn’t just reach into my wallet, pull out a debit card and get whatever I wanted or get cash out of the bank.  I moved in with relatives until I could find a way to get back on my feet quickly. However, because of my drinking, my relatives and I could never see ‘eye-to-eye’ in our daily habits. I was asked to leave and found myself literally on the streets. With nowhere to go, I returned to The Salvation Army’s Center of Hope. 

But coming into the shelter felt like a setback. It’s a scary place to be when you think you’re alone and no one cares about you. I wanted to isolate myself and didn’t want to be around anyone.  But one of the counselors on staff made time to meet with me, which allowed me someone to talk with when needed.

“Not only was I given a safe night’s rest and fed dinner and breakfast the following day, but the staff took  time to really get to know me and build a relationship.”

This time, I’m not in denial about what I’ve done, and I’ve accepted the help of my counselors when planning my recovery. I listen and take advice without rushing through. I’ve learned to take my time with the program instead of looking for quick answers and fixes. The Salvation Army will help you if you want it help. But first, you must be willing to ask for it, because no one can help you if you don’t want to help yourself.

Now, I’m working on getting my driver’s license back and saving enough money for a small apartment. Until then, I always have a ride to and from doctors’ appointments from a Salvation Army employee and assistance in getting my necessary medications from the pharmacy.

In the meantime, I’m contributing and working at the Family Thrift Store in capacities where I’m experienced and skilled labor is difficult to find.

The Salvation Army has become a safe space for me. While I took a lot for granted the first time I was at the shelter, I know now that the staff here will do anything for me, including giving me the shirt off their back if I’m heading in the right direction.

"The staff has truly become like family.”

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