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Holidays often bring added stress to already difficult financial situations. The Salvation Army is here to lend a helping hand to families struggling during this time. We provide Christmas gifts, coats and shoes to children ages 0 to 12 years of age and clothing and household items to vulnerable adults in our communities.
Angel and Golden Angel tags are created for each of participant and include the first name, age, clothing sizes, and gift wishes. Tags are placed on trees throughout local businesses or are made available through various industries. Families, churches, groups and employees can select tags to make Christmas joyous for those in need. In November each year, Angel Tags are made available at Walmart and other locations in November. For a list of participating businesses, contact us at 864-882-1160.
There are multiple ways to support Oconee County’s Angel Tree program. Check below to find the way that best suits you, your group or business.
1. Choose the tag(s) of a CHILD.
2. Purchase age-appropriate toys and clothes for each child. (NEW ITEMS ONLY, no candy or food items)
3. Place the Angel Tag number and name of child on all bag(s) items.
4. Deliver unwrapped gifts to the Service Center at 100 Debra Street, Seneca or The Salvation Army Family Store at 513 Bypass Hwy 123, Seneca. You can find a list of suggested toys below.
1. Choose the tag(s) of a vulnerable ADULT.
2. Purchase age appropriate gifts and clothes for each adult. (NEW ITEMS ONLY)
3. Place the Golden Angel Tag number and name of adult on all bag(s) items.
4. Deliver unwrapped gifts to the Service Center at 100 Debra Street, Seneca or The Salvation Army Family Store at 513 Bypass Hwy 123, Seneca. You can find a list of suggested gifts and household items below.
Additional toys or gift items are always needed to help supplement a child or adult’s gift bag if tags are not returned or are returned still needing items. Individuals, churches, groups and businesses can help us fill those gaps by hosting a drive.
Drives can be held for children’s toys or for vulnerable adult's household items during the month of November. Donated items are requested returned on or before the first Saturday in December.
For ideas on what toys or household items are needed, just click on the gift list and wish list to the left. Call us if you would like to host a drive for Oconee Angels!
Work in the Angel Tree Toy Store during November and December. This involves setup of store, processing tags, receiving donated toys/items, distribution to families.
The toy store will be located in Seneca and will operate November to mid-December. Details and hours yet to be determined.
Be a translator. We have numerous non-English speaking families who qualify for Christmas assistance. If you speak fluent Spanish, we need your help with sign ups the first two weeks in October and on site during distribution.
Each year there are tags that are taken but not returned. Often we can fill those tags in house, but sometimes we need shoppers who are willing to take an entire tag and purchase items for that child or vulnerable adult.
We don’t have a lot of lead time on those tags. Last Minute Shoppers need to be able to shop for items within a few days of being contacted.
These shoppers are lifesavers for us as we juggle all that is involved with Angel Tree in the days just prior to distribution.
If you’d like to help support The Salvation Army’s Christmas Assistance in Oconee, just let us know how you would like to volunteer.
Call: 864-882-1160
Donating funds to Angel Tree is always a valuable way to support the Angel Tree Program. Simply click below to donate.