The Salvation Army is #UpForSchool
30 April 2015
The Salvation Army has pledged support to one of the biggest petitions ever, demanding that world leaders take action to get every child into school
General André Cox Joins Global Religious and Faith-Based Organisation Leaders in Call for Commitment to End Extreme Poverty by 2030
09 April 2015
The General has joined more than 30 leaders of world religions to launch a call to action to end extreme poverty
South African Salvation Army Advertising Campaign Becomes Worldwide Phenomenon
06 March 2015
An innovative Salvation Army campaign in South Africa to raise awareness of domestic abuse has taken social media by storm
International Day of Prayer for Children 2015 Resources Now Available
18 February 2015
The date for this year’s day of prayer for children is Sunday 29 March, under the simple theme 'Pray continually'
The Salvation Army in Malawi Responds to Devastating Floods
29 January 2015
The Salvation Army is responding after severe flooding in Malawi. 100,000 people were left homeless, with an estimated 300,000 affected in some way
The Salvation Army Responds to Mozambique Floods
16 January 2015
The Salvation Army in Mozambique is responding after floods caused more than 70 deaths and left thousands of people homeless
One Army, One Carol, One Video
22 December 2014
The international Salvation Army has come together this Christmas in music and video playing 'O Little Town of Bethlehem'
News Feature: Sign Up Now for Bible-Reading Challenge Emails
18 December 2014
With less than three weeks until the launch of Boundless – The Whole World Reading, Salvationists and friends are encouraged to sign up for weekly emails
News Feature: Prospective Volunteers Encouraged to #AskBoundless in Live Interactive Events
08 December 2014
The International Congress team has launched a new initiative to inform potential volunteers about the roles that need filling
The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Nancy Roberts Lead Zonal Conference and Worship in South Africa
08 December 2014
57 territorial, command and regional leaders from across Africa met in Johannesburg, South Africa, for the 2014 Africa Zonal Conference
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