The Green Light Project: making the world safer and more dignified
30 July 2024
On World Day against Trafficking in Persons, The Salvation Army continues reaching out with a message of hope
‘Everyone Everywhere’ offers glimpses of Salvation Army’s global impact in countering modern slavery and human trafficking
25 May 2022
The Salvation Army launches a landmark report on its global response to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Day of Prayer Resources Help Salvationists and Friends to Go ‘Beyond’ in their Support for Victims of Human Trafficking
17 September 2021
The theme for this year’s day of prayer, which will happen on Sunday 26 September, is Beyond the Dark, inspired by 1 Peter 2:9-10
Roots of Freedom Offers Glimpses of Salvation Army’s Progress in Countering Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
06 May 2021
Roots of Freedom outlines some of the progress around the four objectives from the Fight for Freedom international strategy made in 2020
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Strategy Launched Online and Across Social Media Platforms
01 September 2020
This September, The Salvation Army will be launching Fight for Freedom, the new International Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Strategy.
International Volunteer Day: World Leader of The Salvation Army Gives Thanks
05 December 2019
The worldwide leader of The Salvation Army has released a tribute to the many thousands of volunteers who serve others
‘Cheap Prices – High Cost?’ The Salvation Army Launches Europe-wide Anti-Trafficking Campaign
29 July 2019
UK is latest to launch its variation of the campaign, coinciding with a major modern slavery plot line in 'Coronation Street'
‘Restore Broken Dignity’: Salvation Army Called to Prayer and Action against Human Trafficking
13 June 2019
The Day of Prayer has been intentionally planned to engage churches and communities in tangible action against trafficking
Salvation Army Anti-Human Trafficking Response Shared with UN Special Rapporteur
01 November 2018
The Salvation Army’s International Social Justice Commission recently welcomed the UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons to its building
The Salvation Army Shares Human Trafficking Challenges with European Parliament
19 October 2018
To mark the European Day Against Trafficking, The Salvation Army attended the European Parliament to present examples of its anti-trafficking work
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