Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Step up your game!

Join this 60-minute high-intensity class and get some serious steps in

Shoot some hoops

Meet new people and play a pickup game

Actively Aging

Stay active and fit with our vibrant senior community

Health & Wellness at The Kroc Center

Better health leads to a better you. Our wellness center is available to all members for strength, cardio, endurance, flexibility and agility training. Additional training classes, like equipment instruction and developing a proper workout routine, are also available to help you get the most out of your workout. 

  • Smart Start: Free orientation required for members ages 13-15 who use fitness equipment. Teens will learn how to properly use all exercise equipment, basic exercise programming, and proper nutrition.
  • Adult Fitness Orientation: Members meet with a fitness staff member for a complimentary orientation. Learn the basics of the fitness room equipment. Free for members.
  • Fitness Evaluation: Includes blood pressure reading, body composition and starting weight assessment, and body measurements. $10 for members, $20 for nonmembers.
  • Personal Training: Personal trainers provide specialized fitness programs to help you reach your specific goals through one-on-one or semi-private training. Pricing varies.

Contact the fitness desk at (757) 622-5762 ext. 64350 for details about any of our programs!


Basketball at The Kroc Center

Basketball at The Kroc Center

Shootaround basketball

Members must bring their own basketball. Games such as HORSE, Knockout, and 3-Point are allowed (details subject to change).

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Saturday | 8 a.m.-12 p.m.

Lunchtime basketball

Lunchtime basketball is for pick-up basketball games. No full-court options.

Tuesday/Thursday | 10 a.m -2 p.m.

Other activities


Pickleball is a doubles racket sport that blends tennis, badminton, and table tennis. This low-impact sport is sure to be right for you! Members must bring their own paddle to play. Max number of people (12).
Tuesdays & Thursdays | 9 a.m.-12 p.m.


Our indoor rock climbing wall offers a variety of skill levels for bouldering and climbing for all ages. We provide a basic skills orientation on your first day. All ages welcome! Our auto-belays are compatible to support a wide variety of weights. Our staff is trained in a wide range of climbing techniques and can help you at every level of climbing.

Monday and Wednesday | 3-5:30 p.m.

Rockwall Policies


Stay up to date with Gym Policies 

  • Children ages 0-9 MUST be accompanied by a parent or an approved guardian, at least 16 years old, at all times to use gym facilities.
  • Ages 10-12 may use the gym as long as a parent or legal guardian is in the building.
  • Ages 13 and up have complete gymnasium access.
  • Gum is prohibited in the gymnasium.
  • Contact the fitness desk at (757) 622-5762 ext. 64350 for details about any of our programs!

Before you register, check out our No-Show Policy.

Fitness Center Rules & Policies

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