A fond farewell to Majors Andrew and Amy Kelly

Jun 13, 2023

This month marks the conclusion of an incredible career serving The Salvation Army as Greenville Area Commanders, Majors Andy and Amy Kelly retire from service. We wanted to provide an opportunity for them to share some memories and parting thoughts before they move on to new adventures. The answers provided below are their own words:

Q: How long have you each served with The Salvation Army? 

A: Amy and I have served as Salvation Army officers for 38 years each as of June 2023. Prior to that, we were in The Salvation Army Seminary in Atlanta for two years, and before that we worked as employees for TSA for five years in New York City and New Jersey after graduating from college.

Q: Why did you pursue a career with The Salvation Army? 

A:God called us each to serve in full-time ministry as Salvation Army Officers. 

Q: What did you do prior to joining The Salvation Army? 

A: Andy has been a member of TSA basically all of his life and is a 5th generation Salvationist. He was a part of the Corps (our church), on the Cradle Roll (nursery), a Jr. Soldier, and a Sr. Soldier before becoming an officer. 

Before entering officership with TSA, he held jobs included being a paperboy, working in a grocery store stocking and bagging groceries, working in the college library and music department while attending Asbury College, selling shoes at a mall. He was also TSA Corps Helper in New Jersey, helped with the music publications at TSA Territorial Headquarters in New York City, performed First Trombone in the New York Staff Band, and was Divisional Music Director for TSA in Alabama, Louisiana and  Mississippi.

Amy met TSA while at Asbury College and became a Sr. Soldier (member of the church) as a student. She worked in the college library after graduating and then became the Caseworker in New Jersey. She also worked in the Finance Department at Territorial Headquarters in New York City before entering the Training College in Atlanta.

Q: What have been some of your most notable achievements and highlights during your tenure with TSA? 

A: From Andy: Some of the things I’m most proud of include: 

  • Heading up and completing four building projects in three years while in Austin, TX
  • Being a part of several musical groups over the years - both playing trombone and singing all over the world, including the Sydney Opera House in Australia
  • Pastoring congregations in several cities and leading people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ - some even actually on their death beds
  • Impacting the lives of so many people during times of loss and difficulty in their lives
  • Starting an Echelon chapter in Austin
  • Serving on numerous disasters, including plane crashes in Dallas; earthquakes in Mexico City; after Hurricane Harvey in Corpus Christi, TX; and on the Eastern shores of N.C. when Hurricane Ian destroyed so much
  • Having two daughters become TSA officers.

From Amy: Some of my highlights include:

  • We were the Divisional Youth Secretaries in Virginia/Washington DC for six years and were in charge of a summer camp. So many lives were changed for Jesus there.  
  • I worked very closely with the Women’s Auxiliary in Orlando, concentrating on the women and children in the homeless shelter, and started a Women's Auxiliary in Austin. 
  • Serving in disaster relief in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and in Corpus Christi after Hurricane Harvey.

Q: What locations has TSA taken you to serve?

As officers, we have served in:

    Dallas, TX

    Texarkana, TX

    Dallas, TX

    Washington, DC

    Louisville, KY

    Oklahoma City, OK

    Orlando, FL

    Washington, DC

    Austin, TX

    Greenville, SC

Q: Why do you believe TSA is needed in Greenville today? 

A: There is no one who comes alongside a community like The Salvation Army.  Our work includes helping those experiencing homelessness, to serving working people who need a hand up, to providing a safe environment for families to find quality time together, to filling needs for all generations.  The Salvation Army is truly a trusted, respected part of any community.  

Greenville is definitely in a transition of growth, but with that growth some of our citizens fall through the cracks. The Salvation Army of Greenville helps those members of our community to remain stable and productive.  We shine the Light of Christ wherever we serve.

Q: What is your hope for The Salvation Army of Greenville in the future?

A: Our hope is that the organization continues meeting the needs of our community.  Currently, we hope to see a new and efficient, safe facility for our friends who come to us to stay for a bit while they get back on their feet.  The facilities that we have right now have long outgrown what is needed.  Hopefully, very soon a new facility will be part of the Greenville landscape.

Q: What are some parting thoughts you'd like to share in regards to your time with TSA?

A: The Salvation Army, in order to be effective, cannot rely only on themselves.  Our first and foremost reason to serve this way is that we have a definite calling on our lives from God.  There’s no denying that!  And how could we possibly be effective without the amazing people who come alongside us as our employees and our volunteers?  They are truly what makes TSA able to serve a community effectively. We’re humbled by the calling on our lives and privileged that the Lord has chosen us to do this amazing work! 

Q: What are your future plans in retirement?

A: We plan to frequently visit our children and grandchildren in Oklahoma, Florida, and North Carolina. We will also volunteer with an agency in our little town of Tallapoosa, Ga., in providing food and assistance as we can. We plan to keep honeybees as a beekeeper, give music lessons to students, gardening, and relaxing in and enjoying our beautiful yard.

We have truly been blessed to have spent four years in such a beautiful community as Greenville. Our lives have been deeply impacted by employees, volunteers, Board and Auxiliary members, and our neighbors.

Thank you, Majors Andy and Amy, for selflessly and faithfully serving The Salvation Army in the name of Jesus Christ for so many years! We are grateful for your service, and wish you happiness, love and health in your retirement. 

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