Jun 9, 2020


One in seven of your neighbors in Memphis and the Mid-South are experiencing food insecurity — a problem that is particularly difficult for school-aged children.

For many kids, food is even more scarce when school is out. At-risk students rely on the meals served by their school system as their main source of food, and with so many parents facing unemployment amid the coronavirus pandemic, the struggle is more difficult than ever for some families.

Families already struggling through tough choices, like paying the electric bill or buying groceries, are facing even more challenges right now.

But The Salvation Army of Memphis & the Mid-South is working every day, with YOUR help, to overcome these obstacles — serving food in our communities that need it most, hosting drive-thru food pantries, arranging for food box pick-ups and providing summer youth programming.

For many in our marginalized communities, access to quality food was already limited before the pandemic. Their neighborhoods have turned into food deserts and they don’t have access to reliable transportation, and food shortages caused by the outbreak shrunk those options even more.

Imagine taking a 45-minute trip on public transportation to find out the closest store only had half the groceries you needed (assuming you have the money you need to buy the food in the first place).

Your Salvation Army is standing in the gap — providing help and hope to our neighbors who need a little bit extra this month, while assuring the safety of our staff, volunteers and those we serve through enhanced health and social distancing measures.

Thank you to the amazing volunteers who make up the Army behind The Salvation Army! 

You are spreading HOPE.

And thank you to those whose financial support enables The Salvation Army to meet the changing needs of our community! 

You are spreading HOPE.

Hope Is Contagious, And Together, We Are Spreading It Everywhere!


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