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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Women's Services and<br>Emergency Shelter Image

Women's Services and
Emergency Shelter

25% of homeless women in Memphis find their home at
The Purdue Center of Hope

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AutoZone Single Women’s Residence

The AutoZone Single Women’s Residence is one of the only specifically-designed residential assistance programs in Memphis for women unaccompanied by children — many of whom are educationally challenged and experiencing homelessness due to unemployment, underemployment, domestic violence, mental concern issues or negative life circumstances.

Each woman receives individual case management that includes housing and employment assistance, as well as referrals to resources that will support them in addressing life’s challenges.

Contact: Iris Wade, Program Director


Renewal Place Family Residence

Renewal Place is an up to two-year program for women facing substance abuse issues and their children. This program allows families to remain together while they work toward sobriety, employment, positive parenting and financial literacy.

Renewal Place empowers two generations to stabilize from the effects of substance abuse — offering treatment, trauma repair therapy and individualized case management for women and children

Contact: Stacie McGhee, Program Director

Emergency Family Shelter & New Directions Family Residence

When each night is the difference between “just surviving” and thriving…

Emergency Family Shelter offers women and their children respite from 3 to 90 days. Providing them the opportunity to regroup and focus on stabilizing and creating sustainable living as a family unity.

Through our New Directions Family Shelter program, families are given up to one year, if needed, to complete classes — which include employment education, debt resolution, parenting and life skills — and help two generations at once by combatting chronic homelessness and modeling responsible behaviors.

Contact: Dorothy Ford, Program Director

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our Intensive Outpatient Program utilizes both group and individual counseling as a highly-effective treatment approach to help individuals establish or maintain recovery from addictions. It offers support to address a serious substance abuse, while allowing enough freedom for an individual to maintain employment, family responsibilities and other activities.

Our approach is a 12-step, abstinence-based model which addresses each individual’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Pathway of Hope

Through our Pathway of Hope program, families are connected to long-term case management, providing wrap-around services. Families with a desire to take action to break the cycle of crisis and enable a path out of intergenerational poverty can get support in areas such as employment education, debt resolution, and parenting and life skills.

Contact: Bonita Anderson, Program Director

There are many ways you can join forces with us in our fight
against homelessness in Memphis.

