730 Weekend sees largest delegation in recent history

730 Weekend sees largest delegation in recent history
By: Kristin Mudge
Over the weekend of Sept. 8-10, more than 100 delegates considering pursuing officership in The Salvation Army visited the Evangeline Booth College seeking clarity or discovery for God's will in their lives. Through a mixture of hands-on ministry, informative classes and breakouts, panel discussions with cadets and officers, fellowship, and worship services, attendees were provided with answers to their many questions and an atmosphere encouraging introspection and prayer.
The pinnacle of the weekend came during Sunday morning worship. Commissioner Donna Igleheart gave an inspired message saying to delegates, "You are a direct result of people in this room and throughout this territory and beyond who have been praying that God would send the workers. That God would send hearts that are so tender to serve Him in this way." Circling back to the theme of the weekend, she said, "Officership is a journey you're sent on. It isn't one taken for the sake of one's enjoyment. There is purpose."
Nearing the end of her message Commissioner Donna said, "As Jesus reveals the path that He has for you, take Him at His word. Believe fully what He is speaking. He will equip you." The altar was packed with delegates, cadets, and officers seeking for God's guidance and praying over each other's spiritual journeys.
Major Anthony Juliana, president and principal of the EBC, said of the weekend, "What energizes me is just watching the place come to life. Having people around and hearing their questions." He continued, saying that the territory will be seeing the fruits of this weekend for several years to come.