Delegates ‘Set Apart’ at TYI

Sep 3, 2024 | by Major Matt Satterlee

Following the 2023 Territorial Youth Institute, our territory realized that there was something different about the delegates: they were yearning for a deeper relationship with Jesus.

It was this hunger, this yearning, that directed the focus of the 2024 Territorial Youth Institute (TYI) toward the doctrine of holiness with the theme “Set Apart” based on John 17:14-19. In this prayer from Jesus, He prays that His disciples would be set apart. This scripture, along with our own 10th doctrine, became the foundation of our week as we explored the privilege of being set apart from the world.

Morning Manna devotions were led daily by Captains Dusty and Caroline Rowe, commanding officers of the Kroc Center in Phoenix, Arizona. Captains Rowe led the delegates through five areas of being set apart: through sanctification, with Jesus as our foundation, through time with Him, in suffering for His glory, and through the daily practice of repentance. On Sunday morning, Colonel Deborah Sedlar, chief secretary, closed our time together by asking, “Is holiness just acting perfectly, or is it us being perfected by Him?” A highlight of our worship time each day was being led in worship by “Of Dust,” a team of young adult Salvationist musicians from the Central Territory. TYI 2024 was an inter-territorial event!

Throughout the week, delegates came to the altar and prayed for salvation, deeper discipleship, or a fuller holiness. During the EQUIP Conference in the spring of 2024, we had youth leaders pray for the young people of our territory by placing their names on a ping pong ball and putting the prayer in an hourglass. At TYI, we had those same youth place their prayers on ping pong balls and continue filling our hourglass. The prayers of the leaders and the young people at TYI together serve as a reminder of our daily dependence on Him.

In addition to our time of worship and teaching, we also had some incredible fun at TYI! Night programs consisted of a Game Show Madness, led by Captains Ryan and Emily Vincent, followed by a TikTok Film Festival, in which Captains Denzell and Erika McClain led us in sharing Bible stories utilizing the video platform. The McClains spoke on how social media can be used as an evangelism tool, using our creativity to share the message of Jesus. We took advantage of July 25th to celebrate Christmas in July, flipping the schedule completely upside down. We had vespers in the morning and a full Christmas dinner for breakfast, followed by a pajama party complete with Santa and presents! Delegates also enjoyed taking advantage of our location at Camp Keystone to have some “Florida Man” fun before closing this epic week with a full-blown fair.

Each delegate chose a track, which was a time of small group learning, and an elective, which allowed them to display their creativity in a variety of ways. The knitting class was extremely popular this year. Gen Z has the fastest growing debt-load, so we deepened our financial track by moving past budgets and focusing on savings, investments, and safe loans for college education. This course, led by Territorial Secretary for Business Lt. Colonel Jim Seiler, provided young people with actionable tools as they launch into adulthood. We even had a class on Corps Cadet catch-up lessons. Delegates who were mere lessons away from graduating had a make-up opportunity in order to successfully complete the program.

At the end of the week, awards were given out at our Set Apart Soiree. The soiree was themed from our post-TYI devotional, a brand-new resource provided to each delegate to continue their time in the Word at home.

As we reflect on TYI 2024, we would encourage all corps officers to give their young people an opportunity to share what God did in their hearts through the TYI experience.

We are grateful for the prayers of this Army and for the privilege of holiness in the young people of this territory. As we go forward, may we be different from the world. May we all be set apart.


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