Divisional Women’s Retreats Foster Community and Discipleship

Aug 1, 2024 | by Kristin Mudge

Hearts were stirred, souls were strengthened, and spirits were lifted all over the Southern Territory this spring through women’s retreats in every division. Divisional leadership carefully planned, prepared, and implemented beautiful weekends, crafted to enrich the lives of their ladies spiritually while bringing them closer together in community.


The ladies of ALM experienced God’s presence in all four seasons: in the warmth of summer, the beauty of fall, the barrenness of winter, and the rebirth of spring. Guest speaker Barb Roose taught the group to Flourish in the tough times with faith over fear. The Holy Spirit made Himself known through impactful testimonies of those living in dark times and coming back to life through God’s grace. In an incredible showing of faith, the women gave more than $2,000 over the weekend for the Children’s Home in Mexico. The weekend was concluded with a passionate plea for God’s people to trust Him and live every moment in His presence, no matter the season.


In AOK the ladies focused on Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may Overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Guest speaker Lily Dunbar shared her life story, encouraging the ladies to love deep, pray big, hope full, and stand strong, releasing what ails them inside and approaching the Lord in a mighty way. The Territorial Arts Ministry (TAM) team participated in powerful times of worship and also led the ladies in song and dance during their Saturday night Disco. Sunday morning featured a beautiful time of healing, where women were invited to visit stations around the room where Salvation Army officers washed their hands and prayed over their lives.


The ladies of the Florida Division were encouraged, “GIRL, read your BIBLE” as their theme this year as they gathered in Orlando. Together they have been reading through the Bible in a year by following “52 Weeks in the Word” by Trillia Newbell, one of their guest speakers. A special Q&A session with all the guest speakers was a highlight of the weekend, their testimonies and stories of God’s goodness and faithfulness providing great encouragement.


Camp Grandview welcomed the ladies of the Georgia Division for a weekend of rest and fellowship while seeking to Find the Beauty in all things: music, the Bible, God’s presence, and in the gifts God gives us. They were able to take advantage of intentional downtime to truly spend time with their creator and each other, enjoying camp activities along with a crafted prayer walk and prayer stations. They also exceeded their Mexico offering goal, many of the corps and ladies of the division making sacrifices and being truly generous in their giving.


The women of KT began with Olympic style opening ceremonies, each corps displaying their spirit and creativity. A highlight of the weekend was a meeting where delegates met with a prayer partner from another corps, spending time in meaningful prayer and exchanging prayer cards. The Holy Spirit was palpable on Sunday morning, speaking through music, testimony, and dance, as well as through Territorial Ministry to Women’s Secretary Major Anne Westmoreland’s powerful message. The weekend ended in celebration as the announcement was made that through corps fundraisers, the weekend’s Fun Run, and the Sunday offering, the incredible ladies of the division raised $30,000 for the Mexico Children’s Homes – all For His Glory!

North & South Carolina

The goal of NSC’s weekend was to bring a revival of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of their ladies through prayer, Bible study, discipleship, and worship. This year they introduced small group sessions, the corps officers leading their own women in discussion and prayer to foster fellowship and build community and sisterhood within each corps’ ministry to women. A specially designed devotional book for the weekend provided additional opportunity for personal spiritual growth. A highlight of the weekend was a concert with Babbie Mason, a renowned vocal gospel artist. Many ladies approached the altar during her concert, moved by the Holy Spirit through her music and testimony. The ladies left the retreat OVERFLOWING with the knowledge of hope in Jesus.


The ladies of the Potomac Division entered The Fitting Room for the weekend, where they learned that they are chosen, holy, and loved through teachings on their theme verse, Colossians 3:12. TAM provided powerful dramas over the weekend, depicting the transformation of a woman’s character as she put on a life tailored for her by Christ Himself. Corps officers brought an item of clothing from someone in their community in need of prayer, and those clothes were placed on clothing racks, becoming an extension of the altar for the weekend as women came and prayed over the needs represented. During Territorial President of Women’s Ministries Commissioner Donna Igleheart’s Sunday message, the room was filled with full-length mirrors where the women were invited to see themselves as God sees them.


The women of Texas focused on the importance of being Made to Shine, to reflect the light of Christ as they also enjoy fellowship in Him. Guest speaker Jeniffer Dake taught on the story of Ruth, bringing words of salvation and healing. Over 200 women responded to the moving of the Holy Spirit, lining the altar in prayer before the Lord. A highlight of the weekend was a special room set up with prayer stations, a quiet place of worship open to the ladies throughout the retreat.

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