EXODUS: Soundcast Launches Third Season of Storytellers Series

Oct 13, 2023 | by Brad Rowland

EXODUS: Soundcast Launches Third Season of Storytellers Series

By: Brad Rowland

Soundcast, The Salvation Army's network of audio and video programs providing messages of hope from the USA Southern Territory and beyond, recently released an engaging new season of a beloved series. The Storytellers Series dives into an entire book of the Bible in each season, with the first two series focusing on Luke and Acts. On Monday, August 21, the third season, focusing on Exodus, was published in full across audio platforms with enhanced sound design and 45 easily consumable episodes.

The book of Exodus includes 40 chapters, with each chapter featured on its own episode. The series is primarily narrated by Kayla Hedgren, with additional narration from Warren Maye and sound design from Chris Hofer. Interspersed within the season are five "group chat" sessions, featuring four distinct voices with each discussion aimed to enrich the listening and studying experience. These group chats are also available for consumption in video form on YouTube and shareable across social media channels.

"I think the group chats are key and differentiate what we're producing," said Chris Benjamin, director of production and operations for Soundcast. "Perhaps if you're a new believer and you may be cautious to dive into a small group in person, it can be as if you are a fly on the wall in someone else's Bible study. You can be drawn in, and there are differing perspectives and a very fruitful discussion. We believe it's a safe way and format to not only hear the story and also hear from people who have invested and studied to place context around what you're hearing."

In addition to the ever-relevant text from the book of Exodus itself and the group chats, this season of the series places a special emphasis on sound design. Each episode is scored and specifically augmented to bring the action of the words to life, keeping listeners engaged but not overpowering the text.

"There are many audio Bibles and audio books out there, but we think it's great to have options," Benjamin said. "Kayla's voice and the production from Chris enhances the listening experience, and it is aimed to not only challenge the listener but also bring comfort and ease."

The planning process has begun for additional seasons, though Soundcast is eager to hear from listeners on how to best shape future installments and provide quality accompaniment for local Bible studies.

"The Storytellers Series has always been one of our most frequently listened to and popular shows," Benjamin said. "Each season is an undertaking given the scope, but we're looking forward to people listening and enjoying it and really digging in. The response we've gotten is very positive."

"We would love to hear from people who find value in the show," he continued. "We would like ideas on how to continue to package this particular show for Bible studies and how it can be delivered to be the most beneficial to the listener. I think there are great possibilities for continued discussion and study."

The Storytellers Series can be found anywhere podcasts are available, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Additional information on Soundcast's audio and video offerings can be found at salvationarmysoundcast.org.

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