Fulfillment.com Honored in Savannah, GA for Generous Gift

Jul 29, 2024 | by Donald Felice

In a heartwarming ceremony at the Savannah (Georgia) Corps, The Salvation Army presented Fulfillment.com with a certificate of appreciation from Commissioner Kelly Igleheart, territorial commander, for their remarkable donation of nearly 30,000 “Privacy Pop” tents. This generous gift will provide privacy and comfort to individuals and families in need, significantly impacting communities across The Salvation Army’s USA Southern Territory. During the presentation, Savannah Corps Officer Major Jason Smith underscored the importance of the donation.

“We are here today to thank Fulfillment. com,” said Major Smith. “These tents will be utilized in many ways, including during times of disaster, such as hurricanes, and other natural or man-made calamities, providing a safe and secure place for people to sleep, giving them a sense of privacy and dignity.”

Lanita Lloyd, emergency disaster services director for the Georgia Division, echoed this sentiment. “We appreciate your confidence in The Salvation Army with this generous gift so we could distribute them to those who may put them to good use.”

Fulfillment.com is a preeminent provider of fulfillment services to worldwide, high-volume, multichannel internet retailers. They have eight strategically placed distribution facilities globally, with one located in Savannah. Bob Billborough, chief operating officer of Fulfillment.com, accepted the certificate of appreciation and shared a story of personal connection with The Salvation Army.

“In 1945, my father was well served by The Salvation Army during World War II,” Billborough said. “When we ended up with the tents from a client going out of business, there was no doubt they would go to The Salvation Army. We are 100 percent confident that they will be used for the goodness of God and His people.”

Billborough elaborated on the coordination behind the donation, explaining that the client in question left them with eight trailer trucks full of tents as well as the decision of where they would do the most good. The company’s owners, along with Mr. Billborough, unanimously decided that The Salvation Army could best distribute the tents to people in need.

“The retail value of these tents is over $4 million,” said Billborough. “I know The Salvation Army will get every dollar’s worth of value serving people in need.”

“These tents will be shared with Salvation Army units across the Southeastern United States and will make a huge impact in all the communities we serve,” Major Smith commented. “Here in Savannah, these tents will be distributed to the kids in our Savannah summer day camp program. Additionally, The Salvation Army in Savannah serves over 2,000 children during Christmas through our Angel Tree program. This year, we will ensure that every child will get a tent, providing them with the privacy they need as they sleep in various situations within our community.”

The partnership between Fulfillment.com and The Salvation Army is a testament to the power of community and compassion. Fulfillment. com’s generous gift will have a positive ripple effect, providing a sense of normalcy and privacy to many living in adverse situations, one “Privacy Pop” tent at a time.

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