Keepers of the Covenant: New Cadets Welcomed

Aug 26, 2024 | by Kristin Mudge

Songs of praise and worship filled the auditorium as the Territorial Youth Band and the Canadian Staff Songsters (CSS) opened the Welcome of Cadets service at Lake Junaluska on Saturday, August 10. This was the second year with the welcoming of the incoming session of cadets as the celebratory finale for Territorial Bible Conference, capping off an incredible week of Bible teaching and fellowship.

“We have had an amazing time this week at Bible Conference,” Chief Secretary Colonel Deborah Sedlar said, welcoming everyone to the service, the hundreds physically in the room and the additional hundreds watching the livestream online. “This week, we have truly experienced the presence of God.”

“And this evening, as we finalize our time together, we are privileged to welcome our newest session of cadets,” she continued. “We now affirm their calling to officership as we join in this celebration to welcome them as members of the Keepers of the Covenant session.”

With great fanfare and applause, the 23 cadets of the Keepers of the Covenant session entered the auditorium and took their places on stage, warmly greeted by Commissioners Kelly and Donna Igleheart, territorial leaders.

Captain Jervonne Hinton, territorial candidate’s secretary, presented the group, introducing their session verse, Jeremiah 31:33: “‘This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,’ declares the Lord. ‘I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.’”

Captain Hinton explained that the average age of conversion for the group is 19. Eighteen of the 23 cadets are first generation Salvationists. Their educational degrees vary from software engineering to early childhood education, Christian education, business management, and sociology. Careers left behind include corps mission associate, electrician, teaching, family coach, custodian, information technology, office administration, and more. The Evangeline Booth College (EBC) also welcomes 13 children to campus along with their parents in this session.

She continued, “These men and women, whom God has called, have responded and come from the four corners of our wonderful Southern Territory to love, to serve, to disciple others as officers in The Salvation Army.”

Commissioners Igleheart then performed the installation of the new leaders of the EBC, Major Zach Bell as president and principal, and Major Shelley Bell as assistant principal for ministry development and campus life. “You will be responsible for the leadership of our mission and the training of cadets in this territory,” Commissioner Kelly briefed them. “The ultimate aim of cadet training is to develop officers who are true and passionate Salvationists who embody such blood and fire spirit that they are equipped to advance the mission of The Salvation Army.”

Commissioner Donna advised Majors Bell, “You are the servant of the servants. The greatest power you will exercise at this command will be the power of the examples to the flock—examples of servitude.”

“We urge you above all else to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might,” Commissioner Kelly concluded.

The territory then retired the 1945 Fearless session flag, honoring the Southern Territorial officers of that session, all of whom have now been Promoted to Glory, before presenting the Keepers of the Covenant flag to the new session of cadets.

Major Shelley then delivered her incredible testimony of health and faith. She explained that about a year prior, her brain started having episodes of disconnection, her words and actions not matching up to what her brain was doing and thinking. Tests revealed swelling all around her brain. While no immediate answers came, she did hear immediately from God saying, “Watch me work.”

Major Shelley eventually received a report from the doctors. “It said, ‘She has limited days.’ I didn’t feel like that was right, because that’s not what I was being told each and every day. That’s not what God was telling us.”

She finally received the diagnosis that she was experiencing neuro seizures that were affecting her speech and thought, brought on by a small tumor that appeared about 15 years ago. He also said she would have a normal life expectancy.

Her neurooncologist told her the tumor is placed exactly where it needs to be for a simple treatment with a chemotherapy pill. “God showed my doctors that He is a miracle worker and a truth teller.”

She finished by declaring from Psalm 91: “The Lord says, ‘I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust my name. When they call me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.’”

Following a moving musical selection by the CSS, Major Zach Bell addressed the new cadets, saying, “Our territory is absolutely excited about you. They are absolutely excited to see what God is going to do in you—what He’s going to do through you as cadets and as Salvation Army officers.”

Speaking on God’s new covenant with the world through Jesus, Major Zach explained, “To be keepers of the Calvary covenant means to be in an intimate knowing of him, a relationship of worship and of obedience. To be a keeper of the covenant means we are going to live in obedient love and just obey Jesus.” “We stand firm as keepers of His covenant. We focus not on the problems, but on God’s promises.”

Major Syung Young Lee, assistant principal for training and director of business administration for the EBC, provided a beautiful benediction for the evening, praying, “May your spirit guide our cadets as they embark on this journey… Equip them to be keepers of your covenant of your love, grace, and truth.”

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