Kids ‘Start the Party’ at Youth Conference

Jun 26, 2024 | by Kristin Mudge

Commissioning 2024 was not only a time of great fellowship and discipleship for the soldiers and officers of the Southern Territory, but for the children and junior soldiers as well. This year’s Youth Conference’s theme was “Start the Party.” Based on the Vacation Bible School (VBS) material from The Salvation Army’s Sunday school curriculum partner, Orange, around 100 children ages 5-12 learned to Walk Like Jesus by celebrating the good news of Jesus with those around them.

“We wanted something that would translate to the corps level,” Melissa Powell, territorial children’s ministries coordinator, shares about this year’s chosen theme, “so that the resources that we had, the decorations we had, we could easily share those, maybe inspire some creativity in the field as well.”

Along with the territorial youth department, around eight officer couples helped lead the delegates, providing music, sharing Bible stories, and leading small groups, crafts, games, and snacks.

“We knew that we would only have a limited amount of time with [the children] but really wanting to pour into them and teach them a little bit more about Jesus,” was the youth department’s goal for the weekend, Melissa shares. Discipling them and equipping them to be “party starters” in their own homes and communities was key.

The weekend had a strong beginning, the party starting Friday night with a Bible story and a professional magician, Melissa’s personal highlight from the event. “Just seeing so many kids squeal and giggle with laughter; they laughed which made us laugh. We were just getting tickled watching all of them… The joy that was coming off of them, that’s what got me.”

Saturday morning looked more like a typical day of VBS, rotating through Bible story and activity stations, before taking a break to join their families for the Family Feast lunch. While the adult delegates participated in Life Groups the children had their own impactful small group time. Another highlight of their weekend was singing “Trust and Obey” with transMission in the adult meeting on Saturday evening before heading back into additional activity and learning rotations.

Sunday morning brought a few more small group activities before all the delegates came together for a “Junior Commissioning” service. With a similar feel to a graduation ceremony, the kids walked up one by one and were asked by Majors Matt and Jamie Satterlee, territorial youth secretaries, if they would be a party starter in their own community. After they replied, they received a high five or fist bump and were given a devotional book.

Before returning home they were also given two confetti poppers. “You get to keep one because Jesus is a great reason to have a party. They got their own little confetti popper, but then they got one that they could share with a friend or with someone when they got home,” Melissa shares. “That’s the whole point of it, right? Trying to encourage them to go home and share it with somebody else.”

Melissa expresses that the youth department is grateful that people trusted them with their children, and that they can’t wait to hear how the delegates “Start the Party” in their own communities.


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