KT Music Groups Praise God ‘In His Name’

Jul 1, 2024 | by Dan Duncan

“What’s in a name?” If you ask the musical groups of the Kentucky-Tennessee Division (KT) they might answer, “There is healing, there is purpose, there is peace.” This is just one of many profound truths from the division’s new album, In His Name.

In His Name is the result of a collaboration between the KT music department and musician Phil Laeger. The department is led by Divisional Music Director Chase Teachey and Divisional Worship Arts and Education Director Morgan Teachey. Chase recalls the moment when, at the 2023 Territorial Music Institute, he and his wife were able to discuss the album’s title with Laeger. “The more we talked about it, the more it just fit with what we needed to share.” The title describes the underlying motivation for the divisional music and arts groups. For Morgan, the album itself serves as a vital linkage between proclamation and action. “Not only is it talking about the powerful name of Jesus, it also ties into our mission as an organization to serve.”

The applications of the phrase “in His name” are evident throughout the album. Songs like “Jehovah” and “Echoes,” both performed by Paradise Worship, the KT divisional praise team, celebrate who God is and His mighty acts for His people. The Paradise Brass’ performance of “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” reflects on how we live our lives “in His name.” Faith and responsive action are beautifully fused in the original composition “Search Me.” Written by Morgan Teachey and inspired by Psalm 139, the piece reflects on God’s goodness and gives a stirring call for His purifying presence.

The album contains other original compositions including a collaboration between Phil Laeger and Damien Horne titled “In the Name of Jesus.” Both Laeger and Horne are not only a part of the Army family but are also well-known performing and recording artists. In the album release video, Horne remarks, “I’ve always wanted to write with Phil,” and Laeger recalls “leaning heavily” on Horne for the “funky style” of the song.

In His Name represents the collaborative efforts of several different groups and a diverse range of musical styles. “It’s cool because everybody did bring their native style. We have a bluegrass song on here and we have the brass band,” remarks Laeger. Also included on the album are interludes written by Laeger and songs performed by the Paradise Singers and retired officer Major Grady Pearson.

In His Name is produced by Phil Laeger and can be found on all major streaming platforms.


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