Prayers for Revival at SAROA 2024

Jul 10, 2024 | by Major Hollie Ruthberg

“Holy Spirit, promised presence fall on me. Holy Spirit, make me all I ought to be…” (Gowans)

Great blessing and inspiration came as retired Salvation Army officers from the five territories of the United States and Canada sang these beautiful words when they met in St. Petersburg, Florida, for a yearly time of refreshment, encouragement, and fellowship. This year’s theme for The Salvation Army Retired Officers Association (SAROA) retreat was “Revive Us Again.”

Special guests Commissioners Douglas and Colleen Riley, territorial commanders of the Western Territory, brought a group of talented Salvationists from their territory to share their gifts in brass, choir, and dance with the group.

“Please Lord, Revive Us Again!” Commissioner Douglas shared that these five words are all we need for revival. Only God can bring revival; it is our business to be faithful in prayer. He shared stories of sacrificial service around the Western Territory in remote places like the Marshall Islands. The joy of the Lord is their strength, and their souls remain tender. If the soil of our hearts hardens it can’t receive the life-giving, reviving water of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. We can’t allow things to harden our hearts. “Forces around us will drag us one way or another,” he said. “May the circumstances of our lives simply draw us closer to our Lord and may our love for Him keep our hearts tender and ready for the joyful new life of revival.”

Friday evening brought a program from the Western Territory’s music and arts ensemble, with the title “Spirit of the West.” Commissioner Colleen’s devotional message referred to the beauty of the Japanese art of Kintsugi. In this ancient craft, broken pottery is mended with pure gold. The item is healed and becomes even more beautiful and highly valued. “There is strength hiding in us,” she said, “ready to be revealed as light shines through our brokenness.”

Lt. Colonel John Needham and Major Paul Fleeman, both of whom were present at the Asbury College revival of 1970, recounted how that experience affected them and others in attendance. They shared that confession and reconciliation led to the transformational power of revival. For them, the Asbury revival is not just a historic event, it had an impact on the rest of their lives. The “sweet, sweet spirit of that place” is with them still.

Summar Bussey and Jodianne Mulch shared their talents through two dances. Jodianne graced the group with a lovely hula to the song “Thank You, Lord!” and Summar presented a dance titled “Lydia,” from a new musical from the west, Spirit 2. Her use of purple and white ribbons recalled the story of Lydia, the seller of purple, who was one of Paul’s first converts in Europe.

One of the features of this gathering is always the Celebration of Remembrance, led this year by Florida’s Divisional Commanders, Lt. Colonels Kent and Melody Davis. They reminded the group to “remember, so we do not forget.” Remembering our saints inspires honor and respect, and hearts were moved as the names and photos of the soldiers who have gone home to glory in the past year scrolled by. Their home is in heaven with our Savior, and they are not forgotten.

This group of retired Salvation Army officers was reminded over their time together that God’s Holy Spirit speaks to and works through the old as well as the young! May the Spirit fall on God’s Army and His soldiers.

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