Promoted to Glory: Major Dr. John Rhemick

Promoted to Glory: Major Dr. John Rhemick
Major Dr. John R. Rhemick was Promoted to Glory on November 7, 2022. He was 83.
John was born in Rome, New York on August 1, 1939. As he grew up, he was very active in his corps, especially involved in music, becoming an excellent cornetist. His mother was Polish, so he was able to speak and understand that language, along with an ability to write and read Spanish.
He entered the training college of the Eastern Territory as a member of the Great Hearts session of cadets. He was commissioned with the rank of lieutenant on June 13, 1960. Over the course of his 35-year career as a Salvation Army Officer, Major Rhemick served in three of the U.S. territories. His first seven years were spent in the East, until in 1967 he was transferred to the Central Territory, where he would serve in three corps and several staff appointments until July 2000, when he was transferred to the Southern Territory.
His three appointments in the South included assistant principal (continuing education) at the training college in Atlanta; before two corps officer posts in Lynchburg and Arlington, Virginia.
Also, throughout his career, he was always learning, attended Asbury College (B.A. Psychology in 1971; and Master of Divinity in 1973), Northwestern University (M.A. Religion in 1975), and Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (Ph.D. Theology in 1984.)
Major Dr. Rhemick was quite the educator and wrote a book from his dissertation, A New People OF God: A Study in Salvationism. He also authored a number of articles for the War Cry and Word & Deed.
He entered honored retirement on January 1, 2005.
Major Rhemick is preceded in death by his mother, Frances Rhemick and a daughter, Kathleen Rhemick Wreath.
He is survived by his wife, Major Patricia Rhemick; children Heather (Rob) Coats and Kelly (Steve) Norman, as well as a son-in-law, Frank Wreath (husband of Kathleen). He also leaves eight grandchildren.
A visitation and Celebration Of Life is scheduled for Saturday morning, December 17, 2022, at 10 and 10:30, respectively, at the Brooksville Wesleyan Church in Brooksville, Florida.
—Major Frank Duracher