TMI breaks new ground

TMI breaks new ground
By: Bethany Farrell
It takes a lot of consistency for something to be considered an "institution." And yet, after 83 years of musical excellence and spiritual formation, the Territorial Music Institute continues to find ways to stay fresh and exciting for delegates. This year is no exception.
The most notable change is that, for the first time, the seven-day institute will be hosted at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY, scene to an amazing spiritual revival earlier this year. This change of venue will give delegates a taste of university campus life: dormitory accommodations, cafeteria dining, library, coffee shop, etc. TMI's multiple classes, including brass band, choir, dance, worship team, visual arts, theater, piano, and more, will be hosted in multiple buildings across campus, including the Sally Center, a Salvation Army run center for Salvationist students.
Another change to this year's program is the addition of a creative arts production class, which will accept a handful of delegates to dig into the "backstage" side of theater arts: costuming, lighting, stage managing, set design, etc. "This is an exciting step towards a more complete program," says Bethany Farrell, Territorial Creative Arts Director. "It gives us the opportunity to train more directors and producers, roles that are instrumental to our myriad special events and productions."
Amid the changes, however, there are many things that remain constant, those things which made TMI the institution that it is: excellent worship and spiritual formation, which will be brought to the delegates this year by Majors Zach and Shelley Bell; a world class musical guest, Mark Ridenour, Salvationist and assistant principal trumpet of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, who will challenge and inspire our young musicians; leadership classes, where delegates of all ages are trained in the nuances of leading their specific disciplines, and a schedule jam-packed with exciting majors classes, Morning Manna, small groups, electives, choir, diverse night programs, vespers, and the list goes on.
Nick Simmons-Smith, Territorial Music Secretary, summed up the TMI experience by stating, "TMI is not only a chance for outstanding musicians and artists to get together and hone their skills; it is an opportunity to focus on spiritual growth, fellowship, and gaining skills that will have an impact on local corps throughout the territory. It is always an amazing experience, and this year will be no different."
After being hosted at Camp Hoblitzelle in Texas for many years, the new venue will certainly feel different; but it's still the same TMI you know and love. In addition to making lasting friendships and having a great deal of fun, delegates can expect to be challenged and invigorated, both spiritually and artistically. It is the prayer of the Territorial Worship Arts Department that every delegate returns to their home corps refreshed and ready to give their gifts in service to the Lord.
Would you like to learn more? Registration closes on July 7, so talk to your DMD today about attending TMI. After all… it's the place to be!