‘Seeing God Move’ Through Salvationist Service Corps

Jan 6, 2025 | by Kristin Mudge

What we now call Salvationist Service Corps (SSC) began in 1968 when a group of Southern Territorial young adults spent their summer in Mexico supporting the Kingdom- building work of The Salvation Army. “Since that launch,” says Major Jamie Satterlee, territorial youth secretary, “hundreds of young adults from across our territory have gone to serve in more than 30 countries around the world.”

In 2024, the Southern Territory sent 15 young adults as mission teams into two vastly different territories — one to the Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, & Thailand Territory, and another to the Norway, Iceland, and Faroe Islands Territory.

Caleb Phillips from the Texas Division was selected to join the Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, & Thailand (SMMT) team. He shared his experience with the officers and employees at Territorial Headquarters (THQ) during their end-of-summer debrief in Atlanta.

“This was my first mission trip,” Caleb shared. “I’ve been overseas before, but this was my first time going for something that had to do with ministering to people. When I heard that I got accepted to go to Malaysia I was very excited, because that’s where I really wanted to go.”

Caleb explained that for their first three weeks in Malaysia the team spent much of their time with the kids at the children’s home, doing projects and programs and building relationships. “These kids are some of the best kids I’ve ever met,” he said. The children all came from varying backgrounds, some there because their parents couldn’t provide for them, some because they had no parents, “but what they did have was overwhelming joy.”

“They were so inspiring with their joy and also their faith.” Caleb spoke of one of his favorite memories of the trip, happening one night as the kids from the children’s home led their nightly devotions. “I heard them singing outside of my room. So, I went outside, and I just sat there and listened to them because I could just hear God in their voices.”

Another memorable moment came while the team was leading a Sunday worship service. As Caleb and another team member led the altar call, “there were so many people at the altar that they had to make a makeshift altar out of chairs that we had in the chapel. And that sight brought me to tears. I just started bawling while I was trying to keep playing guitar for the song. Seeing God move like that was beautiful, and it really inspired me. And I know I’ll never forget that.”

Caleb’s final powerful memory of the trip came on their last Sunday in Malaysia. They were leading a time of prayer, and everyone was asked to close their eyes and bow their heads. Another group member asked those gathered, “If you don’t have Jesus in your heart, would you please raise your hand?” Caleb recalls that one of the older boys from the children’s home named Joseph raised his hand in response. “He accepted Jesus that day,” Caleb announced with great emotion. “We all talked and prayed with him, and he even went to the altar that day and prayed over someone else. It really showed me what God can do.”

“I’ll always remember that. And I’ll always remember that what we did, what God sent us to do, was probably one of the most important things we’ll do in our lives,” Caleb declared. “And I pray that those seeds we planted, and the seeds they planted in us, will continue to grow and flourish, and that God will continue to provide for that, for Kuching, for Malaysia.”

Caleb’s testimony of God’s faithfulness and the impact that serving others can make in our world is just one of thousands that those who have participated in SSC over the years could share.

The THQ Youth Department says SSC is “an exciting opportunity and privilege to learn more about the world, to learn more about yourself, and, most importantly, to serve God.”

The Southern Territory will be sending out three teams of young adults this summer — two internationally to Santiago, Chile and Glasgow, Scotland, and one stateside to Ketchikan, Alaska. While applicants are asked to list their preference, the assignments will ultimately be determined by the SSC Application Committee.

Anyone seeking to apply for SSC 2025 must:

  • Be 18 years of age before June 1, 2025
  • Be a Salvationist in good standing
  • Secure any necessary travel documents
  • Raise $750 toward the cost of the trip
  • Secure transportation to orientation and home following the SSC debrief

Applications can be found online here and must be submitted by January 20, 2025.

Please join us in prayer for the young adults of the Southern Territory who will be called and equipped to be the hands and feet of Jesus around the world this summer.


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