Spring Campaigns: USA Southern Territory

Spring Campaigns: USA Southern Territory
By: Captains Joshua and Jordan Hinson
This spring the cadets and officers of the Evangeline Booth College were sent out across the USA Southern Territory as well as Bolivia for the 2022 Spring Campaigns and Spring Missions. Four first-year cadet teams of the Reflectors of Holiness Session, along with staff officers, were sent out to every division in the Southern Territory. Each of the four teams went to two divisions: Georgia and Florida Divisions; Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi and Kentucky/Tennessee Divisions; Arkansas/Oklahoma and Texas Divisions; and the Potomac and North & South Carolina Divisions.
The first-year cadet teams shared in ministry with the local corps in every division. Cadets led services, did work projects, joined in evangelistic campaigns, and engaged the mission in the local communities. Cadet Ohsang Kwon described a special opportunity he had in sharing the gospel, "I presented the gospel using fun illusions (rope tricks) three times. The second time in a corps in Miami, we had about 40 children at youth night. I prayed for God's help before the message. I gathered the children in close and told them I would show them a magic trick. I was able to present the gospel through an illusion. The response was great. I am so thrilled and fulfilled in my calling and the amazing opportunities I am given to share God's Good News to others."
The cadets were given powerful opportunities to experience the fullness of their calling through effective mission and ministry of The Salvation Army. Throughout the territory the Reflectors of Holiness witnessed and participated in vibrant expressions of the gospel in corps settings and in the communities where The Salvation Army serves. Cadet Douglas Ingold shared from his experience in Oklahoma and Texas, "It was as if I was able to zoom out and see how God was working through all the seemingly small tasks. I saw God moving through a community in an amazing way, His message being spread all over the city. Ministry is worth the work."