Territorial Headquarters Celebrates National Salvation Army Week

May 13, 2016 | by Laura Poff

Territorial Headquarters Celebrates National Salvation Army Week

Officers and employees of the Southern Territorial Headquarters in Atlanta celebrated National Salvation Army week with daily fundraisers supporting the Metro Atlanta Area Command’s Home Sweet Home program which matches newly homeless families up with permanent housing and case management.

Each day, members of the THQ and nearby Atlanta Temple family were able to purchase tickets to lunches donated by local restaurants including Golden Corral, Papa John’s and Baldino’s Subs. For an additional fee, staff could participate in themed attire days and causal Friday. A silent auction was also held throughout the week with proceeds going towards the Home Sweet Home program as well.

During lunch, the Community Relations & Development Department hosted short programs that highlighted the 5 characteristics of The Salvation Army: Passion, Compassion, Brave, Trustworthy and Uplifting. Short videos were shown that highlighted the ways that The Salvation Army demonstrates these traits through community programs held across the United States. Representatives from local programs like Haven ATL and the Gwinnett County Corps also spoke about how proceeds from fundraisers like these keep their doors open. On Wednesday, the ARC Command provided lunch and shared about the work that they do to restore families and breathe new life into those who struggle with substance abuse. Lt. Joe Mercier, a graduate of the Suncoast ARC in Florida, shared his testimony, highlighting the impact that The Salvation Army had on his entire family.

The week concluded with a talent show where contestants paid for the opportunity to compete and share their hidden talents with coworkers and friends.

The week-long event raised more than $7,000 for the Home Sweet Home program and, once again, it raised awareness among the THQ team about the work that The Salvation Army is doing in communities across the United States.

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