The Outrageous Grace of Kingdom Living: Bible Conference 2024

Aug 28, 2024 | by Kristin Mudge

Stuart Auditorium, set against the picturesque backdrop of Lake Junaluska in North Carolina, thrummed with activity as family and friends were reunited. Retired officers, young families, gentlemen from The Salvation Army’s Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) programs, and soldiers from all over the Southern Territory joined together for a week which promised to be filled with joyous fellowship while delving into what the Bible says about “Kingdom Living: Outrageous Grace.” 

Referencing the recently completed summer season and noting how palpably God made himself known throughout the territory through summer camp, the Territorial Music Institute (TMI), and the Territorial Youth Institute (TYI), Territorial Program Secretary Lt. Colonel Mark Israel welcomed everyone to Bible Conference 2024. “I wish you could have seen how the youth and young adults of our territory responded to the Lord at TMI and TYI. And here we are at Bible Conference ready for another moving of the Holy Spirit.” 

The week was beautifully launched with a concert by special music guests, the Canadian Staff Songsters (CSS). The group presented a carefully crafted program, an evening of worship and praise, each song specifically selected for its message about the Kingdom of God and His incredible grace in our lives. 

The CSS consistently provided ministry through music throughout the week, their participation woven into each session, their spirit of worship moving hearts to focus on Heaven and preparing minds to seek the truth of God’s grace. 

The lineup of special guest speakers included Dr. Timothy Gaines, associate professor of religion at Trevecca Nazarene University and pastor at Trevecca Community Church, Dr. Carolyn Moore, church planter and former pastor of Mosaic Church, and Dr. Bill and Rev. Diane Ury, national ambassadors for holiness for The Salvation Army. Each of these anointed and learned guest speakers brought Spirit-filled messages fully rooted in God’s Word. 

Throughout his sessions, Dr. Gaines discussed how stories in Scripture reveal virtues passed down through history which help us understand the character of God: 

  • Isaiah’s story reveals the virtue of being undone in a secular world. 
  • Sarah’s story reveals the virtue of humor in Christian living. “Resurrection is the surprising punchline that no one saw coming. Resurrection makes the Christian life seriously funny. It’s not only a joke being played on death itself, but also on every familiar pattern in our life that tricks us into thinking that death is the ultimate end.” 
  • Miriam’s story reveals the virtue of courage, thanking God for his goodness even in facing the unknown. “Miriam offers us something I’m calling theological courage. It’s more than just being willing to move. Her courage is about being willing to step into the future.” 
  • Lazarus, Mary, and Martha’s story reveals the virtue of inviting Jesus into our grief. “Jesus reveals to us the very nature of God by asking, ‘Where have you laid him?’ waiting for Mary’s response to say, ‘Come and see.’ And Jesus meets her… Mary invites Jesus right into the heart of her grief.” 

Dr. Moore explained how the story of creation demonstrates who God is and where outrageous grace begins. “It is that idea that we were designed not to stand on our own, but to be a part of a whole.” 

She revealed how Noah’s story shows us that grace is “that quality of God that carries us through the storms, and grace is literally what binds us to life.” 

Her recounting of God’s covenant with Abram testified that God’s promises require nothing from us but “faith in Kingdom logic and the character of God.” 

She expertly established how Jacob’s life of wrestling and waiting shows us that “God is always at work, redeeming, reframing. And as we surrender to Him, He is working.” 

The Urys both spoke on aspects of The Salvation Army’s eighth doctrine: “We believe that we are justified by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, and that he that believeth hath the witness in himself.” 

Dr. Bill explained that recognizing God as a despot King can completely alter how we approach His throne and accept His grace in our lives. He also spoke on the power of Jesus being entirely different than what the world expected in biblical times, as well as in our lives today. “The true King comes in shocking ways to us. Power is not what we think… The power Jesus is about is a saving power.” He also explained that obedience to Jesus is foundational for our assurance of salvation. 

Rev. Diane showed us that “one of God’s key tools for breaking into our dark blindness about Him is mystery,” revealing His grace through the person of Jesus. “Jesus is the restoration in his own person of the union of humanity with God once again. That’s who Jesus is. And when He came back for us, He relived human life as it was always intended.” 

In addition to the many outstanding sessions of Bible teaching, the conference featured daily morning devotions for ARC delegates, a youth conference, and great Bible study and fellowship for young adults. Multiple auxiliary events such as the ever popular “Singing on the Mountain” gospel sing-along, the international service breakfast, the men’s prayer breakfast, and an invitational golf tournament provided additional opportunities for people to gather and spend time together in God’s presence and in His beautiful creation. 

Friday marked the final day of teaching sessions, that evening set aside as a special time led by the ARC Command to celebrate the ARCs and bring more awareness of their program to those present. Major Luis Melendez, chaplain for ARC Command opened the evening by explaining, “The primary purpose of the ARC is the spiritual regeneration of participants.” 

The evening’s program elements and musical selections all spoke of the power of God’s redemption and restoration, the testimonies of two former beneficiaries the most impactful moments of the night. 

“What was once a liability in my life God has turned into an asset,” Captain Wayne Meads, a former beneficiary of the Charlotte ARC and now administrator of the Hampton Roads ARC, proclaimed. “Your testimony is what changes lives. Don’t be ashamed of your past.” 

ARC Commander Major Bobby Jackson brought a moving message, declaring, “Kingdom living requires us to stand up and fight for those who no one else is willing to stand up and fight for. Kingdom living requires us to be instruments of God’s outrageous grace by doing all that we can.” 

The altar filled with ARC delegates praying for themselves and each other, and officers and other attendees praying prayers of blessing over them. 

Saturday was a day full of celebration beginning with the youth presentation. All the children involved in childcare and youth programs throughout the week took part in singing, dancing, and in charming retellings of Bible stories. 

The week culminated Saturday night with the Welcome of Cadets service, introducing the Keepers of the Covenant session to the territory (see story on page 1). 

Bible Conference 2025 will feature General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham, international leaders of The Salvation Army, as special guests. Save the dates and come join us August 3-10, 2025, for another week of in-depth Bible study and fellowship, filled with inspired teaching from God’s Word as we focus on “Kingdom Living: Hope Awaken."


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