USA Southern Territory Appointments Announcement

Aug 1, 2024

On behalf of the Territorial Commander, Commissioner Kelly Igleheart, we are very pleased to announce the following appointments effective Monday, August 26, September 1, and September 23, 2024 as noted.

Texas Division

Major Shelley J. Hood — Corps Officer — Austin (Citadel), TX — Effective Aug. 26, 2024

Kentucky & Tennessee Division

Captain Jervonne S. Hinton — Divisional Youth & Candidates' Secretary — DHQ Staff — Effective Sept. 23, 2024

Southern Territorial Headquarters - Personnel Services

Major Pamela Werner — Territorial Retired Officers' Services Secretary (PRSA) — Effective Sept. 1, 2024

Major Jamie L. Satterlee — Territorial Candidates' Secretary*  — Effective Sept. 23, 2024

*Denotes Additional Appointment

Join us in praying God’s richest blessing upon these officers as they prepare to take up their new appointment responsibilities.

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