‘World Changers’ Saluted For Overseas Missions

Aug 16, 2024 | by Major Frank Duracher

The 10th annual International Service Fellowship Breakfast was conducted during the 2024 Southern Bible Conference in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. This year’s theme, “World Changers,” was a fitting tribute to those Southern Salvationists present at the event, who have served in 41 countries and in all five Salvation Army Zones around the globe. 

The event also marked the final year under the leadership of Lt. Colonel Karol Seiler, territorial director of international personnel services, who enters honored retirement this year. 

“I want to thank Majors Larry and Evelyn Repass who originally brought the idea forward to recognize the service given, as well as encouraging other Salvationists who are considering overseas ministry,” Colonel Karol said. 

“If we look around, we can see the scope of God’s mission,” she went on. “God’s will is up and moving, spanning the whole world!” 

Major Evelyn Repass recognized the three couples currently serving: Colonels Steve and Wendy Morris (Japan), Majors David and Susie Erickson (Singapore/Myanmar/Malaysia/Thailand), and Captains Minkee and Grace Kim (Korea). Commissioner Donna Igleheart, territorial president of women’s ministries, later lifted these couples in prayer on behalf of the assembly. 

Major Ron Busroe presented thoughts from his family’s time of service in Haiti, noting that despite conflicts existing in Port-au-Prince (which might pale in comparison to conflicts elsewhere in the world), so many Salvation Army programs exist in that depressed nation, that “if Haiti was itself a territory on its own, it would be the largest in the southern part of the Western Hemisphere.” His final word: “Pray for Haiti!” 

The Canadian Staff Songsters blessed the gathering with their rendition of “They Need Christ,” in prelude to the message given by this year’s guest speaker, Chief Secretary Colonel Deborah Sedlar, on “One Soul at a Time.” 

Colonel Sedlar spoke on the Apostle Paul from Acts chapters 9 and 22, noting that for the anti-Christian Saul to become Christ’s missionary to the Gentiles, changes had to be made in: The Mission, The Method, and The Man. 

“Anyone here who’s served overseas will acknowledge that God did a work in your life and transformed you,” she said, “and that’s the most important part if we are to change the world. But the truth is, we are also the ones changed!”


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