Worldwide Prayer Meeting

May 2, 2024 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Greater Chennai Corporation Building (Civic Government)

Prayer Focus - India Central Territory

Thank you for joining us today. There are other things you could be doing and no doubt there’s something you will do right after this. But you have taken the time to pray and have a time of devotion with others, many of whom you don’t know and most you likely will never meet this side of Heaven. It is part of the wonder of the Kingdom of God. We are united in our separateness. Your heart’s voice will blend with others and though you will not hear, our Heavenly Father will.


Gracious God, Thank You for this day that You have gifted to me. I think I know what’s going to happen, but it seems every day there’s a surprise or two. I ask that You honor my plans if my plans honor You. If not, please take over and shape them the way You want them to be. As for the surprises, help me to react in a way that shows I am Your child. The nasty surprises are the ones that get me. So, when one comes, remind me that I am Your representative and that my words and my reactions don’t just tell what I’m thinking but who I am as an ambassador of the King of kings.

Thank You for giving me the people in my life. I ask You to watch out for them today. When I start thinking about them and all the other gifts You have given me, I am overwhelmed. You have been so good to me. Thank You. I love You. Just know that. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


These are cadets performing at the Bhadrachalam Corps in the Nellore Division in the India Central Territory.


Background of the

India Central Territory

India is a vast country that not only in population but ethnically, culturally, and religiously. Its ancient culture and traditions continue to influence it as it takes its place as a player in the world scene. While it still faces many hurdles and challenges, it has made huge strides since gaining independence from Britain. It has one of the world’s fastest growing economies with a growing middle class. Nonetheless, prosperity still has not reached tens of millions of its citizens who struggle with unrelenting poverty. Religious tensions continue to plague the country as well as unresolved territorial disputes with both China and Pakistan.

The India Central Territory operates in four densely populated states that have the following characteristics:

Andra PradeshWith an economy based largely in agriculture and industries related to it, Andra Pradesh has a population of just under 50 million people. Christianity has had some success among the Dalits, the lowest caste among the Hindus, but concentrated by Hindus to reconvert the Dalits to Hinduism has been a threat to the progress made.

Karnataka - With its capital of Bangalore, the fastest growing city in India, Karnataka is one of the most developed states in India. It is home to India’s IT and software industries and over 800 Christian ministries. Eight percent of the population is said to be Christian, mostly among the middle and upper classes. The rural areas of the state are very poor. And it is here where radical Hindus have unleashed over 1000 attacks a year against Christians.

Tamil Nadu The India Central Territory only operates in the northern section of this state. Tamil Nadu is India’s most industrialized and urban state but also has a huge agricultural industry. Here 6% of the population is Christian and the number of Christians is growing. Finances are a problem because of overdependence on outside funding and the lack of independence in priorities needed for local initiatives.

TelanganaIndia’s newest state has a population of a little over 35 million. It is the center of India’s aerospace industry as well as IT and software and research industries. The capital, Hyderabad, is a key city for Christianity but also for Islam where 40% are Muslims. Anti-conversion laws have been in effect off and on to try to stem the growth of Christianity not only in this state but in others throughout India.

The Salvation ArmyThe Army started at Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh in 1895 by Staff Captain Abdul Aziz, who had a Muslim background, with his friend, Mahanada. Captain Abdul attended a revival meeting held by Captain Henry Bullard in 1884 at Bangalore and dedicated himself to being a Salvation Army officer. The territory was named the India Central Territory in 1992 with its headquarters in Chennai.

Facts, Stats and Leadership of the

India Central Territory

  • Total population to fish and disciple: 197,846,777
  • 507 officers, 11 auxiliary-captains, 90 employees
  • 202 retired officers
  • 275 corps, 32 outposts and societies
  • 80,473 senior soldiers
  • 11,964 adherents
  • 17,512 junior soldiers


Colonel Yaqoob Masih - Territorial Commander

Colonel Sumitra Masih - Territorial President of Women's Ministries

Lieut Colonel M Stalin- Chief Secretary

Lieut Colonel Kezial Stalin - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries

Prayer Requests for the

India Central Territory

We thank God:

  • For territorial level Home League rallies completed successfully and Helping Hand money raised Rs.22,74,208.

  • Thank and praise God that two divisions were made full self-support divisions.

Please pray for:

  • Commissioning of the ‘Defenders of Justice’ session of cadets on 20 and 21 April 2024 and for their new appointments.

  • Field changes in 2024.

  • The parliamentary election which are being held in various states. In Tamil Nadu the election was held on 19th April 2024.  Pray for a peaceful election process. (Editor’s note: This request was written weeks before the elections began. They continue in stages until June 1, 2024)

  • After COVID many of the officers are suffering from different kind of sickness.  We need your fervent prayer support for good health for all officers (active & retired) and soldiers of the territory.

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • The family of Mrs. Carolyn Faye Yarbrough, mother of Captain Rebecca Sullivan, who was Promoted to Glory this past week
  • Major Mary Satterlee, Risk Management Secretary
  • Social Services
  • LaKeayia Wilson, Territorial Fraud Examiner, Audit
  • Stephen Carpenter, Territorial Kroc Operations Director, Kroc Development
  • Tyra Gore, Assistant Emergency Disaster Services Director, Emergency Disaster Services
  • Captain Jordan Hinson, Director of Mission & Ministry, EBC
  • Cadet Daniel Noland
  • Captain Jonathan Needham, Divisional Candidates Secretary, Kentucky/Tennessee Division
  • Lt. Colonel Brian Davis, Assistant Chief Secretary, NHQ
  • Lt. Colonels Ronnie & Sharon Raymer, officers, soldiers, employees, and volunteers of the North & South Carolina Division
  • Women’s Auxiliary
  • Anonymous prayer request for all the politicians in the world that they would make wise decisions as they focus on God; and for the weak, that in their desperation they would know they can find help in God and with Him all things are possible

Something to Consider


             The Bible only gives us small glimpses of Heaven. Why are we told so little if we are to spend so much of our existence in it? I don’t pretend to have the full answer to that but something I read a few years ago has helped satisfy me for now.

            When a baby is forming in the mother’s womb, it is a perfect existence in many ways. All needs are taken care of through the umbilical cord, the fluids around the baby and the mother’s body. If we could tap into the baby’s thoughts, she might be thinking something like this

            “Life is good. I’m getting a little cramped but other than that, this is great. So, why do I have eyes, since the scenery never changes in here? Why do I have ears since the sounds are always muffled? Why do I have a mouth since I don’t talk or a tongue since I never eat or taste anything? And what are these arms and legs for since I never stand or reach? None of these things do me any good. Why are they here?”

            The answer, of course, is that the baby was not meant to stay inside her mama. She was meant to live somewhere else. All these things are needed in her new existence. But if you tried to explain to the unborn baby what her new world was going to be like, she likely would say, “No thanks. Let me stay here where things are simple.” No wonder babies cry when they’re born!

            Perhaps the reason we are not told more about Heaven is because we can’t conceive of what that will be like. Yet, we keep learning and experiencing things right through to the end of our lives. Like the baby growing arms and legs for a life somewhere else, we are growing, being prepared for a life somewhere else. It is a life that right now we can’t fully picture, even if we were told about it in detail.

            John said,Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). I am not sure I fully understand what that verse means but it excites me.


A song that still thrills by Sandi Patty: “We Shall Behold Him”




May God bless you this day as you serve Him and as you move closer to becoming all that He intends you to be in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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