Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Oct 9, 2024 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Salvation Army’s Women’s Hostel - Mumbai

Prayer Focus - India Western Territory

Thank you for joining us for this week’s Worldwide Prayer meeting. We join our hearts and prayers with thousands across the globe in a wave of prayer for the work of God through The Salvation Army. Salvationists began this wave of prayer in the Pacific islands of Fiji and Tonga, and it has continued until it has reached you now. It will continue until it reaches across the Pacific again, westward past the Hawaiian Islands into Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and Guam. We are far apart in one way, but united before our Lord in seeking His blessing for His work to be done His way.


We give thanks to You, Lord, merciful God and Father of lights. For You have always watched over us, always led us into what is good and established us in the light of the light of Your radiant face. We thank You for all the many benefits that we have received at Your hand, things seen and unseen, things we know and the many, many things we do not know. And we, as Your grateful servants, give You glory, thanksgiving, honor and praise to You as our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit who has been and always will be forevermore. We offer this prayer in through the matchless name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.


Elena’s Poem is recited for the International Day of the Girl, pleading for equal rights for girls and women. It is short, passionate and moving.


Background of the

India Western Territory

The India Western Territory, composed of five states, has a population that is larger than that of the entire United States. Four of the five states are larger than most countries in the world. It is also one of the most challenging areas for Christian ministry and as a result, Salvation Army work as well. We will take a brief look at each of the five.

Goa: The smallest of the five, Goa has the highest percentage of Christians although many of these have blended their faith with Hinduism. A beautiful area that attracts many visitors, it also has become a center for drug trafficking and child prostitution.

Gujarat: A center for religious tensions and persecution, Hindu extremists persecute both Christians and Muslims aided by the government and the police. There is a great deal of intimidation and slander as well as anti-conversion laws that make Christian work difficult. This, despite it being Ghandi’s birthplace with his legacy of religious tolerance. But the persecution has led to a spirit of revival and new life among believers. In five of the districts there has been significant growth with The Salvation Army being one of the leaders in that growth. Yet nine districts remain largely unreached.

Madya Pradesh: This was one of the last states to open to missions, is strongly Hindu with stern anti-conversion laws. It has large numbers of tribal peoples that is being reached through a strong house church movement. In the capital city of Bhopal, there are high tensions between the Hindu and Muslim populations exacerbated by poverty, illiteracy and crime in the over 300 slums ringing the city that is also subject to disastrous flooding.

Maharashtra: This state plays the key role in India’s political, cultural and economic identity. Mumbai is like the New York City of India. Its economy pulls in people from all over India that has unfortunately created India’s largest slum. There are over 200,000 victims of the sex trade, 100,000 street children, and 300,000 AIDS cases. On the positive side, Mumbai has the second highest number of Christians among India’s megacities. There is a challenge in raising second generation church leaders among believers and persecution is rising. Tribal groups are becoming increasingly responsive to the gospel for which we praise God.

Rajasthan: Although Christians are still a small minority, there has been encouraging growth, particularly among the Bhil tribe. Persecution has increased and an anti-conversion law passed in 2008 has made life difficult. Hindu extremists have not only targeted churches but Christian orphanages and hospitals causing more moderate Hindus to push back in defense of Christians. Evangelistic efforts among the many Indian tourists is yielding encouraging, if small, results.

The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army began its work in Bombay (later Mumbai) in 1882 by Major Frederick Tucker (later Booth-Tucker) and Veerasoriya, a Sri Lankan convert. This was the first point of contact for The Salvation Army officially in India. They established the first headquarters for the Army’s work in Khetwadi. The work spread across India from there. The India Western Territory was established in 1921.

Facts & Stats for the

India Western Territory

  • Total population with which to fish and disciple: 308,674,472
  • 396 officers, 17 cadets, and 333 employees
  • 238 retired officers
  • 276 corps; 275 outposts
  • 35,325 senior soldiers
  • 2,328 adherents
  • 5,831 junior soldiers


Commissioner Daniel Raju Dasari - Territorial Commander

Lt. Colonel Zothanmawia Khiangte - Chief Secretary

Lt. Colonel Vanlalnungi Thiak - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries

Prayer Requests for the

India Western Territory

Praise and thanksgiving:

  • We praise and thank God that the Territorial Candidates Council selected 17 young people as candidates for the sessional year of 2025-2027. Candidates contact classes are already taking place.

  • The territory has taken steps to encourage and prepare future candidates by connecting with them and giving them guidance for their preparation. More than 40 future candidates were already dedicated for the mission of The Salvation Army. Please join with us in giving thanks to God.

  • We praise and thank God for the opening of new places/new extensions.

Prayer requests:

  • Pray for the territorial strategic priorities for 2024-28: “Empowering People, Equipping Systems and Engage in Mission”.  After much discussion and prayers in various levels, the territory set twelve strategic goals and circulated throughout the territory to move forward with their action plans.

EMPOWERING PEOPLE:  Every corps, center, division and THQ prepared their strategic action plans to empower children and youth, men and women, officers and local officers, employees and all the stakeholders. Kindly pray for our mission of empowering people.

EQUIPPING SYSTEMS: This year various assessments, upgrades and some property redevelopments will take place for the good of the territory. Please pray for various leadership teams to seek God’s guidance and His wisdom in taking right steps for the future of the territory.

ENGAGE IN MISSION:  The territory focusing on mission and evangelism. We thank God for the extension work in Sangli, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kapparada and Dharampur. Last year we opened The Salvation Army in Goa. This year we sent officer couples to Nasik, Aurangabad and Baruch to open fire. Please pray for our extension work and for the officers and their safety, health and resources.

  • VISIT OF GENERAL LYNDON AND COMMISSIONER BRONWYN BUCKINGHAM: Kindly join with us and pray for the forthcoming visit of our General Lyndon and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham in February 2025. Please pray that the outcome of the visit will be the deepening of the spiritual life of children and youth, women and men, local officers and officers. The prayers are requested for the preparations and planning for the General’s visit.

Prayer Requests  

USA Southern Territory

  • The safety of those in the path of Hurricane Milton and those who will be sent in to provide care in the aftermath
  • Continued prayer for the victims of Helene and emergency disaster workers who continue to give aid
  • Major Joy Robbins, Executive Assistant to the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, Women’s Ministries
  • Tanisha Jurgens, Accounting Clerk, Finance
  • Marcella Robinson, Paralegal – Estate Trust & Probate, Legal
  • Harold Tracy, Territorial Director of Internal Audit, Audit
  • Christopher Corbitt, Music & Gospel Arts Director, Evangeline Booth College
  • Cadet Chanhyung Chan
  • Captain Andrea Israel, Divisional Candidates Secretary, Florida Division
  • Major Paul Cain, Director of Moulton Memorial Student Center at Asbury University, NHQ
  • Majors Bobby & Natalie Jackson, officers, beneficiaries, employees, and volunteers of the Adult Rehabilitation Center Command
  • Gospel Arts (Creative) Ministries
  • Anonymous prayer request that God would bring a daughter and grandchild to Atlanta permanently
  • Anonymous prayer request that the world would come closer to God and that the right presidential candidate would be selected.
  • Anonymous prayer request for a homeless woman to be helped and that her life would be turned around by God, while also thanking God for how blessed I am.
  • Anonymous prayer request that God’s will would be done for healing so that one remains to take care of the other.

Something to Consider

Recently I have been intrigued by some of the other armies out there.

The largest and most famous is the U. S. Army. Defending our country and the world with a combination of bravery and sacrifice, the US Army with the other armed forces, renders noble service both in peacetime and during times of conflict. In their recruiting, they challenge, “Leave your mark.” They call people to make a difference in the world using the army as the vehicle.

The second army I came across was something called the Stern Army. Definitely not a rival to the US Army, the Stern Army involves itself with pursuing the joy of pinball games. Thought pinball machines were extinct? Not so. The Stern Army not only promotes their use but does so with the call to “Play Strong!”

The final other army to consider is the Fail Army. This army specializes in showing videos of stunts people try that, well, fail miserably. Think of all that can go wrong with a skateboard, or ladders and you get the picture. Their theme is “Failure is the only option.” Encouraging in 2024.

Last but certainly not least is our very own Salvation Army. The challenge is in our name - to know salvation personally and to make known the salvation available to others through Jesus Christ. When the mountains have sunk into the plains and the seas have yielded their last wave, when the last star has blazed out to become a cold and lifeless rock, the eternal souls of people will continue on past their memory. It is not the universe that is God’s greatest creation. It is us. And He came to save us.

The Salvation Army. Live the name.


The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen. (Numbers 6:24–26)


Isaac Watts wrote a great many beautiful hymns but none more beautiful or meaningful than “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.”


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