Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Oct 16, 2024 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Tari, Papua New Guinea, A Huli Wigman in ceremonial costume

Prayer Focus - Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands Territory

Welcome to this week’s Worldwide Prayer Meeting! This week we travel to the countries of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, about as far away from our country as you can go in distance and culture. But here the Lord is moving in remarkable ways through The Salvation Army as well as other believers and He is being glorified. Most of His people there have very little compared to what we do but they look at what God can do, not what they have. Perhaps today that should be how you view this day – not with what you don’t have but what God can do in and through you with what is in your hands now.


Dear Lord, come to me today and inflame my heart and set it on fire with love. Burn away my self-centeredness so that I can love unselfishly. Breathe Your lifegiving breath into my soul so that I can live freely and joyously, doing Your work and going Your way without hesitation. Come to me like a gentle breeze and give me Your peace so that I can feel wonder in Your presence and not be overwhelmed by the noise of the world. Never let me shut You out; never let me try to limit You; act freely in and through me. Don’t leave me but lead me forward, O Lord, the giver of my life! I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

(Adapted from a prayer by Michael Hollings and Etta Gullick)


This video shows a meeting at a village. The quality is not great, but it is the real deal. Worth watching.


Background of the Papua New Guinea

& Solomon Island Territory

Papua New Guinea (PNG)occupies the western half of the island of New Guinea, the other half being Irian Jaya, a province of Indonesia. Although its population is only slightly more than 8 million people, it has 1000 people groups speaking 800 languages and dialects – 20% of the world’s total languages. The island has dense forests and high mountains which has both isolated peoples from each other and frustrated efforts to unite and develop the country in a cohesive way. No road crosses the island, with some areas only accessible by river or air. Although blessed with huge natural and mineral resources, the lack of infrastructure hamstrings development or worse yet, exploitation by international companies. Most people in PNG live by subsistence farming. Crime remains a massive problem along the highways and in the urban areas.

Tribal and clan loyalties span centuries and run deeper than national identity. These often flare up into violence with deadly results. Christianity is by far the dominant religion but during these conflicts it is too often set aside. At the same time, it is often through Christian appeals that peace comes. One of the challenges to Christian work is the reemergence of witchcraft and sorcery. AIDS continues to be a challenge as well with victims being stigmatized, further their suffering. What is encouraging overall is an effort among the churches to cooperate and work together on a wide range of issues. Periodic movements of the Spirit result in large numbers of people accepting Christ that include dramatic conversions that often transform entire villages.

The Solomon Islands (SI), famous for the first land battles between American and Japanese forces at Guadalcanal, are comprised of seven major volcanic islands and numerous atolls. The population that numbers less than 700,000 people, speak 76 languages. In 1998, the Solomon Islands suffered a destructive civil war that only ended in 2003 when an Australian-led international force intervened. The government has been able to function but the country still struggles. Corruption is a problem that hamstrings further progress. Like PNG, most people live by subsistence farming and, because this is a nation of islands, it is difficult to have a sense of national unity.

Christianity is by far the dominant religion. SI has had a history of revivals that have refreshed the churches with new life and vitality. This has offset the lapses into nominalism that have tended to set in. Mainline church denominations for a time tried to restrict the entry of other denominations but as newer Christian bodies have come in, including The Salvation Army, they have brought renewal into the body of Christ.

The Salvation Army officially opened in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on August 31, 1956 at the Royal Police Constabulary Barracks under the leadership of Senior-Majors Keith and Edna Baker and Lieut. Ian Cutmore as part of the Australia Eastern Territory. Papua New Guinea became a separate command on July 4, 1994, subsequently becoming a territory on December 9, 2000. Work began in the Solomon Islands in 2010 and was officially recognized on February 1, 2010. At that time the territory was renamed the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands Territory.

Facts, Stats and Leadership of the

Papua New Guinea & Solomon Island Territory

  • Total population with which to fish and disciple: 9,642,851
  • 339 officers, 29 auxiliary captains, 10 envoys, 26 cadets, and 370 employees
  • 72 retired officers
  • 64 corps; 100 outposts
  • 5,551 senior soldiers
  • 5,108 adherents
  • 1,281 junior soldiers

Colonel Chris Goa                              Territorial Commander

Colonel Tilitah Goa                            Territorial President of Women’s Ministries

Lt. Colonel Garth Stevenson               Chief Secretary

Lt. Colonel Suzanne Stevenson          Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries & Assistant Chief Secretary

Prayer Requests of the

Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands Territory

Prayer requests:

  1. Reviewing of the Territorial Strategic Plan
    As the territory's current strategic plan spans 5 years, with next year being the final year of this cycle, it is crucial to evaluate our progress before moving forward with the redevelopment of the next 5-year strategic plan.

  1. Territorial Theme 2021–2025
    The theme, “Rebuild, Restore, Renew”, has guided us from 2021 through 2025. As we enter 2025, the focus shifts to “Revival”. With the theme officially launched during the 2024 Territorial Leaders Conference in July, all divisions, districts, and centers must embrace this theme fully, ensuring that the territory experiences a spiritual revival across all areas of ministry and mission and in the lives of salvationists.

  1. Spiritual Growth of Soldiers and Officers
    Please pray for our soldiers and officers to be embedded in living holy lives, remaining deeply rooted in their faith, and growing in their love and commitment to God.

  1. Health Issues in Officers

Please pray for the health of our active officers. Two active officers have been Promoted to Glory during 2024, so please pray that good health will be maintained for all our officers.

  1. Ongoing Support for Territorial Funding
    Please pray for stewardship at all levels within the territory and the boost of local income-generating projects.

  1. Prayer needs for the Solomon Islands

  • Making it Happen Project – A project for construction of officers’ quarters in the village churches in the provinces.
  • Mission travel – safe travel to village churches to follow up on new mission opportunities.
  • District quarters repairs and maintenance 

  1. Ordination & Commissioning

Please pray for the cadets of the Champions of the Mission session as they are ordained and commissioned, the Port Moresby campus on the 1 December 2024 and the Kainantu campus on the 8 December 2024.

Thanking God:

  1. We praise God for the territorial theme of “Rebuild, Restore, Renew,” A Year of Reclamation”.  Souls have returned to God through evangelism, outreach programs, crusades, congress, men and women’s camps, youth councils, and Sunday School rallies, and we continue to see more and more lives experiencing a turnaround.  Corps activities and programs that have gone inactive, have been reclaimed and revived.    

  1. We praise God for the prayer cells rising amongst officers and soldiers, throughout the territory. And for prayers being answered.

  1. We praise God for His mission that continues to spread throughout the territory.  All to the glory of God.

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • Victims and emergency responders of Hurricanes Helene and Milton
  • Commissioner Donna Igleheart
  • Personnel Department
  • Thomas Knox, Assistant Territorial Community Relations Director and Development Director, Community Relations
  • Deborah Costas, Command Finance Director, ARC Command
  • Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee, Spiritual Life Officer, Spiritual Life
  • Major Patrick Raymond, Director of Personnel, Evangeline Booth College
  • Cadet Jieun Lee
  • Captain Dominique Darby, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, Georgia Division
  • Lt. Colonel Mark Harwell, National Treasurer and National Secretary for Business, NHQ
  • Majors Zachary and Shelley Bell, officers, cadets, and employees at the Evangeline Booth College
  • Bible Conference
  • Anonymous prayer request for a favorable outcome for a daughter and grandchild.
  • Anonymous prayer request for protection for all who work at THQ and for blessing upon all those who have suffered through the hurricanes, that they would be uplifted and be able to take care of each other.

Something to Consider


Major Michael Hawley

Have you heard about ambergris before?

According to the Natural History Museum website it is described as one of the worlds strangest occurrences.  Called the treasure of the sea and floating gold, it can be found floating on the sea or sometimes on shore where it is harvested.

In use for thousands of years, this unlikely substance has been used as follows:

  • In the Middle East, ambergris was powdered and ingested to increase strength and virility, combat heart and brain ailments or to spice up food and drink.
  • Ancient Egyptians burned it as incense.
  • A British medical journal from the Middle Ages informed readers that ambergris can banish headaches, colds and epilepsy.

But in our modern world, ambergris is most predominately used in perfume. It contains a unique combination of ingredients that help retain a scent far longer than any substitute. It allows the user an entire 8–12-hour experience rather than running out after a short period of time. That’s the difference between a costly perfume and a far less expensive fragrant water.

How valuable is ambergris?

  • A couple walking on the beach in Australia in 2006 found a chunk of ambergris weighing over 30 pounds, selling it for over $250,000. 
  • A ten-year-old vacationing in Wales stumbled across a lump and was paid $6,000 for it.
  • A 67-year-old New Yorker received a candle like rock in the mail from her 80 year old sister and you guessed it, it was ambergris and if she sold it she could be $18,000 richer!

In its original form, this unlikely but valuable product smells like fecal matter and looks like whale vomit. Wherever it comes from in the whale, once it is expelled - this repugnant looking material floats around on the ocean to be harvested by boat or to land at some point where it can be secured from the beach.

Go figure.

Some Scripture that refers to fragrance used in the New Testament says, “Our lives are a Christ like fragrance rising up to God... to those who are being saved we are a life-giving perfume (2: Corinthians 2:15).

This unlikely ingredient, used for centuries in the most expensive perfume around the world, reminds us that God can work in the lives of any and everyone who yields themselves to Him.

Take David for example, the second King of young Israel. We find his story in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, chapter 16. David was one of several sons whose dad (Jesse) didn’t even bring out when the prophet Samuel was going to crown one of his sons a king! He was so despised, one translator even suggested the word “worthless” was used, that even though all the other brothers had not passed inspection, they had to be prodded to get David from the fields and bring him in to be considered. And YES! David is the one we now read about and write about and preach about and learn from- though at that time even his family regarded him slightly.

Ambergris might smell like perfumed cow dung, but it has in and of itself the ability to work together with other ingredients and make them better than they could ever be on their own.

I’m so glad that while sinful man has nothing within himself that smells good before a holy God, Jesus can and does transform even the most unlikely person to becoming one who can give off the sweet-smelling aroma of Christ to others. 

What does that have to do with those of you reading right now? Simple!

  • You might feel like whale innards.
  • You might have the impression that your life is of minor consequence
  • You might think that you don’t really matter to anyone

The Scripture teaches us an entirely differently, more remarkable and wonderful story.

You are loved by God and when guided Him, cleansed by Christ’s work on the cross and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, your life will become and remain a sweet-smelling savor. Have you let Him do His work in you?



Go forth this day, knowing that the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and knows the stars by their names, also knows the way that you take. Amen.


Annie Johnson Flint’s song is a wonderful song is a reminder that our Lord meets us where we are. “He Giveth More Grace.”



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