Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Jan 8, 2025 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Prayer Focus - Pakistan Territory

Fairy Meadows - Pakistan

We give God glory for this opportunity. Thank you for taking time to join us in this time of prayer for The Salvation Army and its work around the world. By looking at other places, we not only learn and enter into the lives of other believers, but we gain perspective on our where we are in God’s kingdom. We are indeed the family of God.


Dear Lord, unfortunately, there are so many people in the world today who are so distracted by the pursuit of money, or by their screens, that they don’t even know You are right there next to them, calling them to the greatest adventure ever: life eternal with You. Jesus, please overcome these distractions, get their attention, and wow them with the gospel. Put the words in my mouth to keep their attention and turn them forever to You. Make me aware in the moments that You will gift to me to shine a light that will glorify You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


This video is an excellent description of how The Salvation Army operates at the corps level in Pakistan.


Background of the

Pakistan Territory

            The nation of Pakistan was formed in 1947 when Great Britain withdrew from South Asia and partitioned what was then India into the nations of Pakistan, with a Muslim majority and India with a Hindu majority. Its economy is based on agriculture, light industry, and service but it is plagued with high inflation, huge budget deficits and widespread corruption. A crumbling infrastructure is complicated by frequent interruptions in electricity and gas. Twenty percent of the population lives below the poverty level, heightened by the drain on the government’s fight against radical Islamic groups. Rapid population growth, limited land and water also contribute to the nation’s problems.

            Young people form a substantial portion of Pakistan’s population with 37% under 15 years old and 50% are under 24. Prospects are not good for the youth because only 40% are enrolled in state schools. Child labor and forced marriages, often to repay debts, keep many few young people from breaking the cycle of poverty.

            A lot of government funding has been directed to military spending because of its contentious relationships with its neighbors, particularly India over the Kashmir region, Iran and Afghanistan.

            Although theoretically a great degree of religious freedom is promised, in practice it is not so. Christians, Hindus, and even non-Sunni Muslims must practice their faiths cautiously because of the threats of extremists. The anti-blasphemy law levels the death penalty on anyone who defames Mohammed and life in prison for anyone who defiles a Quran. Even a rumor that something like this has happened is enough to set off mob violence and vicious attacks against Christians and other minorities.

            Despite all this Christianity continues to grow in Pakistan. But because Christians are largely from the poorest classes, resources are scarce and unfortunately, lately outside resources have been drying up.

            The Salvation Army: Because the area that is now Pakistan was once part of what was the colony of India, work was originally pioneered by Commissioner Frederick Tucker. Work began in what is now Pakistan in 1883 in Lahore and was incorporated in the nation of Pakistan in October 1968.

Facts, Stats and Leadership of

the Pakistan Territory

  • Total population to fish and disciple: 249,566,743
  • 350 officers, 1 aux-captain, 22 cadets, 125 employees
  • 117 retired officers
  • 134 corps, 380 outposts and societies
  • 41,158 senior soldiers
  • 3,599 adherents
  • 9,312 junior soldiers


  • Colonel Diana MacDonald - Territorial Commander
  • Colonel MacDonald Chandi - Territorial Leader for Leader Development
  • Lt. Colonel Safdar Iqbal - Chief Secretary
  • Lt. Colonel Asia Safdar - Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries

Prayer Requests for

the Pakistan Territory

Please pray for the following Strategic Priorities of our territory. May wisdom, clarity, and unity guide all decisions and actions.

1-Financial Sustainability

We have moved towards financial independence and sustainability, by promoting stewardship (including tithing) among our people, by careful financial management, and by promoting enterprise skills at the community level for reducing reliance on external sources of finance.

2- Discipleship

We are engaged in theological education development at all levels for equipping of soldiers (members) and officers (ministers). We want prayers for the spiritual revival in The Salvation Army Pakistan as so many unregistered denominations are confusing our soldiery.

3- Growth

We are looking to open new corps, societies, outposts and community services centers. Our work in progress for opening physical rehabilitation center.

4- Relationships

We have developed new and existing relationships with government officials, and with other churches, at both divisional and territorial levels.

5- Leader development

We have developed officers through effective succession-planning, leader development, and “refresher” courses. 

6. Commissioning scheduled in April 2025. There are 15 cadets from Champions of Mission session.

7. General’s Visit in Pakistan Territory in April 2025.

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • Lt. Colonel Susan Ellis, Risk Management Secretary
  • Audit Department
  • Kimberly Young, Investment Assistant & Project Manager, Investments
  • Lindsay Wilson, Legal Specialist, Legal Department
  • Orientrius Cook, Web Operations Specialist, Communications
  • Major Syung Young Lee, Assistant Principal for Training/Secretary for Business, Evangeline Booth College
  • Cadet Daniel Noland
  • Colonel Paula Johnson, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, Texas Division
  • Lt. Colonel George Baker, National Secretary for the World Service Office, NHQ
  • Lt. Colonels Dean & Pam Hinson, officers, soldiers, employees, and volunteers of the Oklahoma & Arkansas Division
  • Music Forces
  • Anonymous prayer requested for Steven Mosley’s sister who needs healing; for Robert Carrier to have a prosperous New Year and to find a place to stay following his graduation from the ARC
  • Anonymous prayer of thanksgiving for God’s goodness this past year and for Him keeping me strong

Something to Consider

Be Leaderful – Miriam

Major Susie Erickson

          When we first meet Mariam, she is involved in one of the most unusual babysitting jobs recorded in history. Hidden among the reeds along the banks of the Nile River, she cast a watchful eye over her baby brother, Moses, as he floated down the river.

          The number of Israelites living in Egypt had grown at an alarming rate. The Egyptian Pharaoh was afraid the Israelites would organize and threaten his kingdom. He executed a plan of annihilation by ordering midwives to kill all Hebrew boys as soon as they were born. The midwives feared God and allowed the boys to live. Then Pharaoh ordered the people to throw all the newborn Israelite boys into the Nile River. Mourning quaked at the sound of the first cries of a baby boy. The pains of labor went deep within the soul of the Jewish nation, echoing through the depths of the Nile.

          Jewish girls learned to be housewives and mothers under the tutelage of their mother’s until marriage. Miriam helped her mother hide baby Moses for three months, until they could no longer conceal the vigorous infant. She bounced him on her knee as her mother waterproofed a papyrus reed basket with tar and pitch. She stood in the distance as her mother placed him in the basket and eased it in the water at the river’s edge.

          Sunlight glistened on the wet skin of the Pharaoh’s daughter as she bathed in the river. When the princess saw the little basket among the reeds, she told one of her servant girls to get it for her. As the princess opened it, she found the baby boy. She knew the baby was one of the Hebrew children her father had ordered killed. His helpless cries touched her heart, and she had compassion on him.

           Miriam stood guard at a distance. Praying, watching, waiting for just the right moment for Pharaoh’s daughter to discover her baby brother. Thinking fast, the clever and gutsy Miriam stepped forward and asked, “Shall I go and call a nurse for you from the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for you?” Given permission by the princess, Miriam brought the baby back to the care of his mother. Because of her quick actions, Moses returned home that day with his mother and big sister. Now that’s a girl with leadership skills!

            Later we see the spunky older Miriam helping her brothers in the massive undertaking of leading over two million people from oppression to freedom. As the Israelites emerged from the parted waters of the Red Sea, Miriam’s heart burst into praise as she worshiped the Lord in song. Ever the leader, when Miriam’s hands reached for a timbrel, other women joined her. She led, and they followed.

          Do you aspire for leadership? Consider the qualities we see in Mariam. She was watchful, prayerful, quick-thinking, clever, resourceful, insightful, wise, bold, courageous, risk-taking, and supportive of her leaders– just to name a few. 

          May God’s Spirit and Miriam’s example inspire you.


Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. Amen. (1 Corinthians 15:58)


Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are kept safe in Christ. This old song does that, “He Hideth My Soul”



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