Worldwide Prayer Meeting
Prayer Focus -
Congo (Brazzaville) Territory
Lowland gorilla in the wild. Republic of the Congo
Thank you for joining your hearts with us for this week’s prayer meeting. Prayer unites us as nothing else can do this side of Heaven. We gather in spirit before the Father’s throne, and though we are in different places, speak different languages and are in far different circumstances, our voices unite in praise, worship and petition before the one true God. It is our time to practice the unity that will be ours in eternity.
Gracious God, Thank You for this time to talk to You directly. Because of the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we have been made members of Your family. Your Holy Spirit interprets what we say so that even when we cannot think of how to say what is on our hearts and minds, through Him You will know what we mean even if we stumble around. Hear us when we say we love You, we adore You and worship You as the Almighty God, the great Creator of all, the Sovereign Ruler over all. Thank You that You bend down to hear us and You have kissed us with the gift of salvation. Hear our prayers this day as we unite with our brothers and sisters from around the world. We bring our families, our co-workers and neighbors, our fellow believers and the people we will learn about today before You especially. We ask Your blessing on us because we can’t manage this life without You. We ask this prayer in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
This is a very lively video from a congress in the Congo (Brazzaville) Territory a year ago in a native language. Although you may not know what they are singing it is a great video to watch and listen to.
Background of the
Congo (Brazzaville) Territory
Two nations comprise the Congo (Brazzaville) Territory.
Congo (Brazzaville): Although the Republic of the Congo as vast potential in its natural resources, it is largely untapped because of limited transportation, corruption, top-heavy government and years of civil unrest. The economy is overly dependent on oil. Unfortunately, over 50% of the population live below the poverty line, making less than US$1 per day.
The Republic of the Congo achieved its independence from France in 1960, then forming a Marxist-Leninist republic until 1991. A constitutional reform and elections led to the ousting of President Sassou-Nguesso, that led to conflict and war until his return to power in 1997. Although there were others in leadership briefly, President Sassou-Nguesso has repeatedly returned to power and is in power at the present time.
During the Marxist-Leninist period, youth were strongly indoctrinated against religion but in 1992, full freedom of religion was restored. Nearly 90% of Congolese claim Christianity, with around 5% claiming traditional African religions. In truth, many professing Christians mix their Christian practices with animism as well so that a true revival is needed among believers. Strong work is being done by Christian ministries, including The Salvation Army, to address the educational and social needs of the Congolese people. This is making a profound impact on the country.
Gabon: One of Africa’s wealthier countries, Gabon is rich in natural resources with large exports of oil, wood and minerals. However, the majority of the population is still involved in agricultural work and do not benefit from most of the wealth.
Gabon achieved full independence from France in 1960. After President M’ba died, his Vice-President Omar Bongo Ondimba ruled as president until his death in 2008. Although there was some turbulence during his rule, overall it provided great stability for Gabon. When he died, his son, Ali Bongo, was elected his successor until he was ousted in a coup in 2023. At this time, he was replaced by General Nguema who continues to head the government.
There is freedom of religion in Gabon, where the Catholic Church has traditionally been dominant, but that influence is waning. Many traditional African beliefs remain strong and have mixed with Christian beliefs, which is a concern. Also, Muslim numbers are growing since the former president converted to Islam while in office. Nonetheless, the evangelical churches are growing at an encouraging rate.
The Salvation Army: In 1937, The Salvation Army spread from Leopoldville to Brazzaville, and in 1953 French Equatorial Africa (now Congo) became a separate command. Commissioner and Mrs. Henri Becquet were the pioneers. The command was upgraded to a territory in December 1960. Work in Gabon was officially recognized on July 1, 2018. Exploratory work is being done in neighboring Cameroon.
Facts, Stats and Leadership of the
Congo (Brazzaville) Territory
- Total population to fish and disciple: 6,391,533
- 366 officers, 33 auxiliary-captains, 14 envoys, 45 cadets, 143 employees
- 78 retired officers
- 121 corps, 119 outposts
- 26,408 senior soldiers
- 3,089 adherents
- 13,185 junior soldiers
Colonel Jean Laurore Clenat - Territorial Commander
Colonel Elianise Clenat - Territorial President of Women’s Ministries
Lieut-Colonel Celestin Ayabagabo - Chief Secretary
Lieut-Colonel Beatrice Ayabagabo - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries
Prayer Requests for the
Congo (Brazzaville) Territory
- The territory has been under Special measures since 2019, and it passed under second round special measures in May 2024. The action plan for implementation of 27 recommendations is in place and progress is realized. Pray for smooth implementation of the action plan for a quick release from the special measures.
- The territory has worked with a big financial deficit from some years back and this has put the territory into a serious budgetary problem. Pray for the improvement of finances and finance management with a capable team.
- The Officer Training College will be closed for two years to serve as a conference center for spiritual reformation for officers and/or employees. Pray for financial capability and success of this program.
- Cameroon mission work official registration. The required documentation was deposited to government officials early in 2024, and the territory is still waiting for feedback. Pray for a quick and positive response.
- Bacongo Vocational training school of girls: The official registration process started with a little progress. Pray for the quick response from government.
USA Southern Territory
Prayer Requests
- Major Amy Lee, Territorial Human Resources Secretary, HR
- Candidates
- Stephen Leverett, HCM Analyst, Human Resources
- Michael Smith, Territorial Contract & Grants Director, Social Services
- Edna Bargan, Administration Department Operations Manager, Chief Secretary’s office
- Major Hae Young Lee, Director of Campus Life/Food Services, Evangeline Booth College
- Cadet Richard Li
- Captain Elyse Doborwicz
- Lt. Colonel Jeanne Baker, Anti-Human Trafficking and Special Projects Officer, SAWSO, NHQ
- Majors John & Cristina Murphy, officers, soldiers, employees, and volunteers of the Georgia Division
- Corps soldiers
Something to Consider
Hot Saints
Catherine Booth
Why does God like people to be hot in His service? For the same reasons that we like people to be hot in ours. We have no confidence in half-and-half, fast and loose friends, lukewarm ones who in danger wait to see which way the wind blows before they commit themselves. Those who serve us, while at the same times serving themselves. But the moment our interests and theirs clash, will leave us to our fate. We like wholehearted, friends and to such only do we confide our secrets or trust our important enterprises. We may use the halfhearted, as far as they serve our purpose, but we have no confidence in them – no heart fellowship with them, no joy over them. We would rather they were hot or cold, true friends or foes.
Read in your own heart and mind why He says, “I could wish you were cold or hot” (Revelation 3:15). I want you to note two or three characteristics of hot saints so that you may know whether you belong to the number. To be hot implies the possession of -
- Light Hot saints have such a halo round about them that they reveal the sins in others. They do this by contrast. “What fellowship can light have with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14) The light of God flashing from a hot saint on the dark consciences of sinners makes them feel their sin, misery and danger, and if they will receive it, leads to their conversion. If sinners reject this light that seals their sins upon them and renders their condemnation double. What a fearful responsibility rests on all sinners who are brought into contact with saints filled with the light of God. Some of you are living under this light: How are you using it? Beware!
Light reveals the sin by hostility. The presence of a certain degree of spiritual light must produce either repentance or opposition. A dark soul cannot dwell in the presence of a soul full of light without either repenting or opposing. If it does not submit it will rebel. It was under the hot blaze of this light that the Jews round about Stephen “were cut to the heart and gnashed upon him with their teeth” (Acts 7:54). The effect of his light on their darkness was to reveal their antagonism and scorch them into a fury of opposition. When intense spiritual light and darkness are brought in contact, their innate hostility makes them reveal each other. The devil could not endure the presence of Jesus without crying out, “I know who You are – the Holy One of God” (Mark 1:24).
How is it with you saints in this respect? Can you get along with dark souls without eliciting their hostility? If so, depend upon it you have much light but not light with heat. If you don’t want to be spued out of the mouth of God, see to it that you get it!
Light reveals sin by reproof. Hot saints are full of the zeal for the glory of God and jealousy for His honor; it breaks their hearts because people keep not His law. They know that they have the light of life, and they feel that they must hold over wrongdoing, deception and hypocrisy of their fellows in order to open their eyes. You never hear them apologizing for their measure, as God feels towards it. It is the abominable thing which they hate and therefore they cannot allow it, pander to it or excuse it. Hot saints will mercilessly turn the blazing lamp of God’s truth on the conscience of the sinner with reproof as pungent, pointed and personal as Nathan gave to David or Jesus to the Pharisees.
- Purity. Heat cleanses, purges away dross, destroys noxious vapors. So, the burning fire of the Holy Ghose purifies the soul, which is filled, permeated with it. Hence hot saints are pure. They purify themselves as He is pure. Their garments are white, they keep themselves unspotted from the world. They improve the moral atmosphere wherever they go. Their very presence reproves and checks the unfruitful works of darkness and sinners feel as Peter when he said, “Go away from me, for I am a sinful man” (Luke 5:8).
- Pungency. Heat burns. Hot saints set on fire the hearts of other saints. They singe the consciences of sinners, burn the fingers of Pharisees, melt the hearts of backsliders and warm those who have left their first love.
- Power. Hot saints are mighty. They may not be very intellectual, but their heat makes more impression on the hearts of sinners and stirs more opposition from hell than all the intellect and learning of a whole generation of lukewarm professors. The fishermen of Galilee produced more impression on the world in three years than all the learning of the Jewish teachers in centuries because they were hot in the love and service of God. Hot saints are more than a match for their enemies. Satan himself is afraid of them. Wicked people cannot stand before them; the power of their testimony cuts them to the heart and makes them cry out, “What must I do to be saved?” or “Away with him.” Hot people are not only able to work but to suffer. They can endure hardness, suffer reproach, contend with principalities and powers, fight with wild beasts, hail persecution and death!
- To be hot ensures opposition – first, from Pharisees who look with contempt on hot people, call them fanatics, extreme people, troublemakers, disturbers of the peace, to the respectable and reasonable.
The Pharisees were the bitterest enemies of Jesus. And they are still to those who are filled with the Spirit. It matters not that they have now a Christian creed; the spirit is the same and will not tolerate them. A formal, ceremonial, respectable religion they do not object to; but a living, burning, enthusiastic Christianity is still foreign to them.
To be hot ensures opposition from this world. The world hates hot saints because they look with contempt on its pleasures, set at naught its maxims and customs, trample on its ambition, ignore its rewards, shun its spirit and live altogether above its level. It can tolerate warm religionists – rational, decent people who appreciate this world as well as the next and can see how to make the best of it; but those “hot,” “pestilent,” “mad,” “fools,” who impose their religion everywhere, who are at everybody about their souls, who are always talking about God, death, judgment, heaven and hell – away with them!
To be hot ensures opposition from the devil. Oh, how he hates those hot saints! What trouble he takes to trip them. He knows they are worth it. Many a council is held in hell over these. They rout his best trained legions. They shake the foundations of his throne. They take the prey out of his very jaws; they pull it out of his fires. He must do something! He sets his principalities and powers to work on them. Loose and feeble fiends will do for lukewarm people, but these he must take in hand himself and try all the guile and force of his gigantic intellect on them. He troubles them on every side and, when God permits, he has their heads off. He got Paul’s. But they defy him even when they are between his teeth; he cannot swallow them; they escape out of his very jaws to glory, and who knows the mischief they work his kingdom up there. Hallelujah! Our archenemy is a conquered foe. To be hot ensures God’s special favor, protection and fellowship and our final victory. Whereas to be lukewarm is to be spued out of His mouth, which indicates special dislike, disgrace and final abandonment.
May God bless you as you serve Him this day. Go in His strength. Meditate on His Word. Seek opportunities to glorify Him. Amen.
We close with a song by George Bennard, a former Salvation Army officer, once the most beloved song among Christian hymns, “The Old Rugged Cross.”