Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Jan 29, 2025 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Prayer Focus - USA Central Territory

Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, USA

It is a glorious day! Thank God for the opportunity you have to be with your family and the people you will share the day with. The phone you hold in your hand would have been thought impossible a generation ago, yet with it you can accomplish a whole host of tasks that literally reach across the globe. More astounding than that, you can pause for a moment anywhere at any time and be connected to the Almighty God, the Creator of all that was or ever will be. Eternity can meet you in this moment. This is indeed a glorious day.


Heavenly Father, as the winter season makes itself known I rejoice that I find my place of safety in You. You have provided for me in so many ways. Sometimes my problems just seem to take all my attention, and You know I have some pretty big problems. Remind me that You are there with me in them, just like You were with the disciples when they were on the stormy sea, keeping them safe the whole time. But sometimes those waves seem so big, and I seem so small. Let me here you say again, “Peace, be still.” Don’t just say that to the waves. Say that to me. Remind me I am safe with You. I know it in my head, but I think there are times I need to feel tucked away in Your arms so that I know it in my heart as well. Thank You, Lord. Amen.



The Chicago Staff Band sings a superbly beautiful arrangement of “Jesus, Thou Art Everything to Me.” This will calm you as few things will.


Background of the

USA Central Territory

The states that comprise the USA Central Territory – Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin – have represented the traditional backbone of American values as well as been much of its economic base until the latter part of the twentieth century.

Built originally largely by European immigrant populations that were attracted by its rich and abundant farmland, this part of the United States has literally fed the world. Rich in natural resources and served by the Great Lakes, it was a readily developed into a highly productive manufacturing area, most famously for the automobile industry but other heavy manufacturing as well. It led in these areas until cheaper and more innovative overseas competition overtook its advantages.

Its conservative nature was guided by a widespread commitment to the Christian faith that more recently has been challenged by immigrant populations in the urban centers, most notably of the Muslim faith, that have resisted integration into the mainline culture. As a result, there has been a growing polarization between the large urban areas and the more conservative rural and smaller urban areas.

The Christian church has had an uneven response to the challenges. Technologically, it has grown more adept at finding ways to reach people through social media and other means. There has been successful highly beneficial integration of cultures among those with Christian backgrounds such as Caribbean, Hispanic and European. But it has been almost frozen in place by ignoring or being reluctant through fear or ignorance in making efforts to reach out to those in the newer immigrant populations such as Muslim or Asian.

The Salvation Army: The Army made an early advent into the central states in the USA after officially opening in 1880. It rapidly expanded in both large cities and small towns across what is now the Central Territory. When, in 1896, the Volunteers of America formed and took a large number of corps and officers with them, particularly in the Chicago area, The Salvation Army quickly rebounded, becoming stronger than ever as result. The large number of immigrants from the United Kingdom that settled in this area helped to build a strong tradition of brass banding that endures to the present day, most notably seen in the Chicago Staff Band.

Facts, Stats and Leadership of the

USA Central Territory


  • Total population with which to fish and disciple: 52,131,709
  • 550 officers, 16 auxiliary captains, 37 Envoys, 25 cadets, and 10,687 employees
  • 516 retired officers
  • 242 corps
  • 11.045 senior soldiers
  • 1,675 adherents
  • 1,639 junior soldiers


Commissioner Evie Diaz – Territorial Commander

Colonel Thomas Louden – Territorial Chief Secretary

Colonel Julie Anne Louden – Territorial Leader for Leader Development

Prayer Requests of the

USA Central Territory

Thanksgiving and Praises:

  • We are grateful to God for another Christmas fundraising campaign to sustain our ministries and programming into this new year.
  • Praising God for the inaugural Ignite the Spirit of Leadership Weekend last fall which included training for prospective officer and local leaders.  Many attendees were challenged to consider officership or step into local leadership roles.
  • Thanking the Lord for an impactful Territorial Women’s Conference—Abide—with over 700 in attendance and many on a waiting list.  God was very present, and the Holy Spirit did His work!
  • We thank God for the hope we can express and offer through our Adult Rehabilitation Centers, Pathway of Hope Programs and our youth character-building programs and activities.
  • We are grateful for our territorial Motorcycle Ministries Team which had the opportunity to pray for hundreds at the annual Sturgis Rally.
  • We are excited about a new avenue of ministry in SA Gaming.  This video gaming ministry gives many a sense of belonging to a hard-to-reach population of young adults and teens.  We are seeing new connections to the Army and the Lord.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for our Territory’s new Priorities for the USA Central Territory.  There will be an intentional focus on: Spiritual Life, Youth and Leadership Development.
  • Pray for the planning and commencement of Belonging 2025 which will be held June 3-8, 2025. Along with the commissioning of the Champions of the Mission session, there will be over 100 workshops, guest speakers and American debut of the musical, Belongings.  The General and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham will join us for a busy congress weekend.  A territory-wide initiative launched in January to unite in prayer for this event.  
  • Pray for new and creative avenues of ministry.
  • Pray for continued integration of immigrants into our corps and opportunities to express the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the Lord to continue to call His followers to officership.

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • The family of General Paul Rader, recently Promoted to Glory
  • The family of Maxwell Rodgers, father of Major Michael Rodgers and Sergeant Joseph Rodgers, recently Promoted to Glory
  • The family of Major Washington Navarro, recently Promoted to Glory
  • Major Carolyn Nichols, Territorial Finance Officer, Finance
  • Chief Communications
  • Michelle Hartfield, Territorial Public Information Officer, Emergency Disaster Services
  • Kristin Mudge, Publications Editor, Communications
  • Paul Conklin, Territorial Boys & Girls Club Operations Manager, Youth Department
  • Captain Josh Hinson, Director of Mission & Ministry, Evangeline Booth College
  • Cadet Christopher Roman
  • Captain Andrea Israel, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, Florida Division
  • Lt. Colonel Jan Harwell, National Secretary for Social Services and Public Policy, NHQ
  • Majors Algerome & Teresa Newsome, officers, soldiers, employees, and volunteers of the Kentucky/Tennessee Division
  • Senior Soldiers

Something to Consider

When were they going to understand?

Surely this must have been Jesus’ thought as He watched His disciples stubbornly refusing to serve each other. So it was that He removed His outer robe, took up the basin and the towel, and knelt down before each one of the Twelve as He performed the task of a slave (John 13:1-17). He gently washed their smelly feet, and when Peter protested, He explained, “You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand” (vs. 7). Service to others. That is the lesson, Peter.

When He finished, He further explained, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set an example that you should do as I have done for you” (vs. 14, 15). He said even more plainly at an earlier time that he who would rule must learn to be a servant (Matthew 20:26-28). The Bible consistently teaches that our profession must have a practical expression.

Isn’t it interesting that when Jesus raised the little girl to life, He told those around her to give her something to eat (Mark 5:42); that when the demoniac was healed of his possession, He told him to go back home and tell people what happened (Mark 5:19)? And if it was so in the Bible days, is it not so for anyone who professes to know Christ? A Christianity without service to others is not only toothless, it is useless.


May God bless you in this day, knowing that you are valued in His sight, cherished and loved and worth seeking. Amen.


A newer hymn that confirms our faith is “In Christ Alone.” Enjoy the First Baptist Church in Dallas as they share with us.


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