Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Feb 19, 2025 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Prayer Focus - Taiwan Region

National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

We join the psalmist who proclaimed:

It is good to praise the Lord
and make music to Your name, O Most High,
proclaiming Your love in the morning

and Your faithfulness at night,

For You make me glad by Your deeds, Lord;
I sing for joy at what Your hands have done.
How great are Your works, Lord,

how profound Your thoughts!

Psalm 92: 1-2;4-5


Heavenly Father, Your Son Jesus is the Good Shepherd to His people. Help us to hear His voice so that we may know Him when He calls us by our name and follow Him where He leads us this day. Help us to know Him better because He only is the way, the truth, and the life. Following Him and Him alone is the way that leads to eternal life. We thank You for the goodness that pours out to us from Your hand through the Holy Spirit so that in each moment we are bathed in the blessing that comes to us through You, the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to whom all honor, glory and majesty belong. We bow before You in worship and adoration through the name of Jesus. Amen.

Background of the Taiwan Region

Taiwan is a mountainous island that is one of most densely populated in the world. It was under Japanese rule from 1895-1945 after which it was handed over to the Nationalist Government of China. With the fall of mainland China to the Communists in 1949, it became the last refuge for the Nationalist China Government. Its status has been highly controversial since that time. Communist China has been recognized as the official government of China rather than Taiwan which it has labeled a renegade province. Yet it continues to operate at a de facto independent state. Its status has been the source of political tensions not only between itself and China but between China and the United States.

Taiwan’s economy has developed rapidly since 1949 into a highly industrialized state with one of the world’s most dynamic export-oriented economies, primarily focused on high-tech goods. Ironically, its largest trading partner is China.

Religiously, most Taiwanese follow a mixture of Buddhism, Daoism and traditional Taiwanese folk religions. Until recently there has been little progress for the gospel but that has started to change slightly. Unfortunately, it has come at a time when there has been a decrease in missionaries to Taiwan to capitalize on it. Nonetheless, the movement is real as seen in some megachurches and an increase in house churches.

The Salvation Army: The work was originally pioneered in 1928 by Colonel Yasowo Segawa from the Japan Territory, but was ended with the advent of the Second World War. American serviceman Leslie Lovestead unofficially initiated the work that was then officially opened by Colonel and Mrs. George Lancashire in October 1965. Taiwan became a division of the Hong Kong and Taiwan Command in 1974, becoming the Taiwan Region in 1997.

Facts, Stats and Leadership

of the Taiwan Region

  • Total population to fish and disciple: 23,152,801
  • 17 officers, 1 envoy, 8 employees
  • 8 retired officers
  • 5 corps, 1 outpost
  • 239 senior soldiers
  • 86 adherents
  • 57 junior soldiers


Regional Commander – Major Sara Tam (Mei-Shun)

Regional Secretary for Women’s Ministries – Major A-Tuan (Grace) Weng

Prayer Requests

for the Taiwan Region

  • 60th anniversary Congress in October
    23-24 October Officers Brengle
    25 October Revival Meeting
    26 October Congress celebration.

    Pray for all the preparation and most importantly the hearts of our congregations.

  • Five potential Candidates

Five soldiers have indicated their intention to respond to the calling of officership. Pray for the process moving forward smoothly.

  • Two corps are growing and need new premises. Pray for God’s guidance to new locations.

USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • The family of Major Caridad R. Santos, mother of Major Rebeca Prieto, who was recently Promoted to Glory
  • Major Matthew Satterlee, Territorial Youth Secretary, Youth Department
  • Tonya Hurt, Publications Coordinator & Administrative Assistant, Community Relations & Development
  • Gloria Diavangama, Territorial Student Ministries Coordinator, Youth Department
  • Royshan Miller, Territorial Auditor, Finance
  • Christopher Corbitt, Music & Gospel Arts Director, Evangeline Booth College
  • Cadet Danielle Farrington
  • Major Jay Spalding, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, North & South Carolina Division
  • Reverend Diane Ury, National Ambassador for Holiness, NHQ
  • Majors Anthony & Elizabeth Juliana, officers, soldiers, employees, and volunteers of the Alabama, Louisiana & Mississippi Division
  • Candidates/730 Weekend

Something to Consider


Steve Goodell

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29).

Gossip, as defined by the Cambridge University Press & Assessment is, "conversation or reports about other people's private lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true." In my time working in an office environment, there were always some forms of gossip going around. As I look back on these times, I realize that the people who gossiped appeared to always have a sense of satisfaction in speaking about the personal business of others. I must admit that at times I got caught up in this behavior. It was exciting for me to engage in conversations with others about the affairs of someone that I had no right to talk about. As my relationship got stronger with the Lord, I found that this feeling of excitement was temporary, and it was quickly followed by His conviction. God was telling me that gossiping was not loving others, and it was not a part of His will for me.

Gossip is poison. It brings negative morale to any working environment whether in an office or remote. Gossip can also flow through circles of friendships, support groups, and churches. It causes hurt, pain, and anger, and can sever relationships. No wonder it’s mentioned so much in the Bible and condemned by God! Gossip does not glorify Him and does not honor Jesus’ command to love others as He loves us. It is destructive – I’ve seen people lose their jobs over it and is fostered by a demonic spirit of malice. Satan can use it to infiltrate any loving or godly relationship and become an emotional chain that weighs us down and prevents us from receiving the Lord’s blessings in our lives.

So, what causes gossip? It can start with jealousy and envy. A person may not be happy with how their life is going and feel a need to talk about others to feel important. Someone may have experienced emotional pain or trauma, and to cope will feel a need to elevate themselves above others. They may also be bored and feel a need to gossip as a means of excitement. These are a few, but there are many more reasons that lead to this negative talk.

As Christians, we need to reflect Jesus wherever we are. He showed compassion and love to others who desperately needed Him. Let us build others up as the Apostle Paul stated to the Ephesians, and instead of talking about someone behind their backs, let us give them words of compassion and love. The truth is we don’t know what others might be going through in their personal lives. They may desperately need to be shown the love of Christ because of the hurts, crises, or tragedies they may be going through. Let us lean on the Holy Spirit for strength and offer our hands to them with godly love just as Jesus did. 


Father God, we praise You for the unconditional love You’ve shown us through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Forgive us for getting caught up in worldly ways such as gossiping. We know that this is not Your will for us, and we ask for You to give us strength, and to love others as You love us. Jesus, it’s in your holy and matchless name we pray this. Amen.

Used by permission.


General John Gowans wrote a stirring song that reminds us of God’s care for us, “His Provision.”




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