Worldwide Prayer Meeting

Mar 12, 2025 | by Lt. Colonel Allen Satterlee

Prayer Focus

Norway, Iceland &

the Faeroes Islands Territory

Seljalandsfoss Island Wasserfall Waterfall, Iceland

Hallelujah! The Lord God reigns! Every star must follow the course God sets for it. Every atom must obey God’s laws to exist. The physical world in every aspect bears witness to God’s sovereign rule. What is not subject to His rule now soon will be. Make sure this day that you have bowed the knee before your Creator and that you have named Him as your Lord. His reign in your heart will guarantee that all will be set right.


Dear Lord, I thank You for today and all that it has in store. I have some challenges ahead both in my personal life and at work. For many of us in The Salvation Army, it is so very busy, and we start to feel tired. But I praise You that I can be in Your service and that what I do for You counts for something. Help me to know, whether I am on the frontline or doing work to support those who are, that when I give my work to You, You take it and sanctify it and use it for Your glory. There is no small gift if it is given entirely to You. Help me to remember that I am to give it freely and trust You with whatever may or may not come from it. Thank You that you give meaning to who I am and what I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


This is an excerpt from a television program in Norway featuring The Salvation Army band and timbrels. The band piece is “Marching Onward.”



Background of the Norway,

Iceland and Faeroes Territory

Norway: With a strong, diversified and healthy economy, Norway has enjoyed a long period of prosperity. Christianity is by far the dominant religion, led by the Lutheran Church which is also the state church. Norway has traditionally sent missionaries way all over the world out of the proportion of its population. But all is not well. Although 90% of Norwegians are church members, only 4% attend church on any given Sunday. There is a strong commitment to traditional Christianity, but it is under attack as the same forces that are besieging Christianity in the rest of Europe are making themselves felt in Norway as well. Half of the population lives in and around the city of Oslo, where the greatest opportunities and challenges lie for Christian ministry.

Iceland: A relatively small volcanic island, Iceland enjoys one of the highest living standards in the world. One of the great challenges before Iceland is balancing growth and development with a very delicate environment.

Christianity is the clearly dominant religion led by the Lutheran Church which is also the state church. However, most Icelanders are only nominally Christian with few who live a vibrant Christian life. Traditionally, evangelicals have been small but more recently those numbers are growing.

The Faeroe Islands: A self-governing region of Denmark, the Faeroes Islands is heavily dependent on the fishing industry, which is unfortunately declining. There is some hope for petroleum production, but this is not certain. Christianity is the dominant religion led by the Lutheran Church, which as in Norway and Iceland, is also the state church. There is a very active and vibrant expression of evangelical Christianity and the Christians in the Faeroes are very mission minded.

The Salvation Army: The Army opened fire in Norway under the direction of Commissioners Hanna Ouchterlony and George Scott Railton along with Staff-Captain and Mrs. Albert Orsborn on January 22, 1888. Work in Iceland began soon after on May 12, 1895 by Adjutant Christian Eriksen, Captain Thorstein Davidsson and Lieutenant Lange. It spread to the Faeroes Islands where it was pioneered by Ensign E. Juul Pedersen, opening there on October 23, 1924.

Facts, Stats and Leadership of the

Norway, Iceland and Faeroes Territory

  • Total population with which to fish and disciple: 6,041,885
  • 143 officers, 14 envoys, 5 cadets, and 1,564 employees
  • 167 retired officers
  • 92 corps, 295 outposts
  • 4,030 senior soldiers
  • 1,852 adherents
  • 3 junior soldiers



Commissioner Knud Welander - Territorial Commander

Commissioner Lisbeth Welander - Territorial President of Women's Ministries

Colonel Paul Waters - Chief Secretary

Colonel Jane Brakstad Waters - Assistant Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries

Prayer Requests of the Norway,

Iceland and Faeroes Territory

We will give thanks to our God who gives us strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

  • Pray for new people, children, youth, and adults to come to us and feel at home, get to know Jesus and become His disciples, and members in The Salvation Army.
  • Pray for all those who are coming to our welfare centers and corps for help in a difficult time with rising costs. We pray that they also will feel valuable and seen.
  • Pray for God’s help to open our communities for immigrants and refugees and strengthen our commitment outside our own countries.
  • Pray for all officers, staff and volunteers who meet these people in the front line. We pray for courage, strength, and blessing.
  • Pray for our SA Congress in June 2025 and for the Homeless World Cup in August 2025, a football tournament with purpose, arranged by The Salvation Army in our territory.


USA Southern Territory

Prayer Requests

  • Major Frances Pangrazio, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries
  • Legal Department
  • Anthony Grant, Territorial Grants & Contracts Director, Social Services
  • Mary Soriano, Territorial Property & Real Estate Accountant, Property
  • Peggy Fletcher, Accounting Clerk, Finance
  • Major Syung Young Lee, Assistant Principal for Training/Director of Business Administration, Evangeline Booth College
  • Cadet Kathy Farmer
  • Captain Josh Keaton, Divisional Candidates’ Secretary, Alabama, Louisiana & Mississippi Division
  • Lt. Colonel Lesa Davis, Editor-in-Chief and National Literary Secretary, NHQ
  • Majors John & Cristina Murphy, officers, employees, and volunteers of the Georgia Division
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Anonymous prayer request for Keith who is going through extensive cancer treatments right now

Something to Consider

Many Paths

Stephen Goodell

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

            Some believe that all religious trails lead to God and that He opens Himself up across multiple spiritual platforms to offer eternal life. Our world has religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism, to name a few, where its members believe they can connect with God or other divine beings. Some search for spiritual peace and guidance through different mediums such as astrology, Ouija boards, or tarot cards. Some will decide for themselves who God is in their minds and develop their thoughts and beliefs around who they think He should be. And then some do not want to believe in a God that allows tragedies, chaos, and destruction in this world. We have many subjective opinions and beliefs about God and are certain that our way is the right way. I once believed that I did not need Jesus, that I could bypass Him and be right with God through my good deeds. I had worked out in my mind that somehow this was right.

            How is it that there are so many vast beliefs that range from many gods to no god at all? In my observations over the years, one thought is that religious traditions and ideas are carried down from one generation to the next. When a child is brought up in a religious household that consistently exercises certain beliefs and practices, those things will become ingrained into their hearts and minds. This child can come to believe in what they were taught and experienced and will be less likely to alter those views.

            Also, a person who has lived an alienated or lonely life may find acceptance in a religion, cult, or secular group that provides a sense of belonging. There can also be someone who has a happy and fulfilling life, however, they have no interest in discovering a relationship with God. They are too caught up in worldly events, sinful pleasures, and desires of the flesh. These are just some of the paths that stray away from a holy, Christlike life, and there are so many others.

            For many years, I was caught up in my own path and based my identity on my career standing and what others thought of me. I had a stable childhood, however, never felt a sense of belonging to anything. I was familiar with some of the worldly religions out there but did not feel a desire in my heart to pursue any of them further. I had my worldly passions and lusts that only provided temporary fulfillment.  

I then found a relationship with Jesus and realized that there was something different about Christianity. I was encouraged to ask Christ to come into my heart and when I did, I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me. This experience gave me an overwhelming sense of joy and I felt a greater love from God than any human or worldly way could ever provide. It was a love that was forgiving, and healing, and gave me peace from the shame and guilt of my past sins.  

The behaviors I had before becoming a Christian changed as well. By dedicating my life to Christ I was able to find the strength to beat my fleshly desires of alcohol abuse and addictive relationships. The anger I was harboring towards those who had bullied me in the past was replaced by love and forgiveness. I developed a sense of compassion for those who were less fortunate than me and started to serve their needs through volunteering and sharing the gospel. I also instilled a daily spiritual routine of prayer, Bible reading, and meditation that focused on Jesus first thing every morning. I continue with this routine and reflect Jesus’ love, compassion, and kindness towards others.

My relationship with the Lord has grown tremendously and is stronger than ever. The peace of Christ has transformed my heart and mind, and I rely on His Holy Spirit to guide me in the choices I make every day. The Holy Spirit is real, and I continue to feel Christ’s all-powerful love that is always fulfilling. I share this sentiment with millions of other Christians throughout the world who have similar experiences, and as I read the Bible, I am guided by the Spirit with how I need to live my life and treat others.

            Regarding the many paths that lead to God, I believe if that’s true, then Jesus died for nothing. He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection could not have happened then, and Christianity is a false religion. However, we know that Jesus died and was resurrected, and He sent the Holy Spirit to come upon the disciples. Jesus does this today for all those who ask Him to come into their hearts and repent of their sins.

            As I am now firm in my Christian faith, the question is how should I treat those who have different beliefs and views about God? The answer is easy: with love and compassion. Jesus said it plainly, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34). I am to show my fruits of the Spirit to others, which are love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and gentleness. No matter who they are, I am to take the time to listen to them and get an understanding of why they believe what they believe. I am to also share the reasons for my faith through my testimony and personal experiences and state the eternal consequences of not following Jesus. Once I have done those things, the Holy Spirit will continue to lead the situation from there. Whether the Spirit wants to keep using me as a witness is up to Him. And if someone refuses to believe in my faith, then that is their business with God. We all have our spiritual journeys and just as the Holy Spirit worked to bring me to a relationship with Christ, He will do the same for others.


Lord, Jesus, I pray that You continue to work on the hearts of non-believers and those who do not know you. Use me to share Your good news of salvation to others who desperately need to hear it. Open their hearts and minds to the beautiful eternal life that awaits those who follow You. It is in Your holy and matchless name I pray this. Amen.

Used by permission.


An old spiritual that has been given new life by contemporary artists is the simple, but beautiful song, “Give Me Jesus,” here sung by Fernando Ortega.




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