Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Echelon Chattanooga is a service organization of young professionals who promote and support The Salvation Army through networking, events, volunteer projects and fundraisers.

We believe in the positive impact we can have as a united entity, engaging people throughout our community, encouraging participation in the mission and programs of the Army, and elevating all people without discrimination.

We invite you to CONTACT US below, follow us on social media and join us at our next Meet and Greet to see what we're all about! Find us on Facebook @chattechelon, on Instagram @chattechelon, and LinkedIn @chattanooga-echelon



Whether it's serving a meal, distributing Angel Tree gifts, ringing bells or hosting a fundraiser to support a life-changing program, Echelon members are serving together and making a real difference.

Thanks to our Corporate Sponsors:
Callahan Mechanical, HHM CPAs, Pinnacle Financial Partners, Miller & Martin



Kyle Briner - President

Caroline Carlin - Executive Vice President

John Baker - Treasurer

Melissa Guth - Design Chair

Makaylah Everett - Communications Co-Chair

David Burke - Event Co-Chair

Tripp Thurston - Member-At-Large

Ryan Marshall - Member At-Large

Michael Henry - Liaison to Area Command

Event Co-Chair (Open)

Membership Co-Chair (Open)

Membership Co-Chair (Open)

Corporate Relations Co-Chair (Open)

Corporate Relations Co-Chair (Open)








Run with Reason
Join us for this annual run and shopping event to raise money for those less fortunate families who are designated recipients of the Angel Tree campaign. Local businesses, church groups and other community organizations are invited to sponsor a team of runners who will log miles on the first Saturday in December. Following the run, one hundred percent of the proceeds will be used to purchase angel tree gifts for local needy families.

Bacon N’ Boxers
Bacon N’ Boxers aims to provide forgotten supplies such as socks and underwear to local men experiencing homelessness. The event features bacon burgers and other bacon flavored snacks, karaoke, men's wellness tips, and more. Bacon and Boxers follows the Chattanooga Women’s Auxiliary annual Mardi Bra party, which supplies a variety of feminine and hygiene products to the women who visit Salvation Army’s day shelter.

Summer Cookout
Our summer cookout provides food, fun and fellowship for displaced neighbors. Hundreds of hamburgers, hotdogs, and sides are served to neighbors in need!

East Lake Pancake Night
In April, we host an evening event serving a pancake dinner to families in East Lake.


