“Security” is a basic human need, as is “food.” So, “Food Insecurity,” shakes the very foundation of the 1 in 8 food-insecure people throughout greater Knoxville. This problem is particularly difficult for school-aged children and becomes even more pronounced when school is out.
Food Insecurity comes in many different forms, but lack of physical access and lack of financial resources are the two primary reasons. During the school year, at-risk students rely on the school system as their source of food. Lack of access and resources is magnified when school is out and during this time of record unemployment. The Salvation Army of Greater Knoxville is overcoming these obstacles by taking food out into the communities that need it most and distributing additional food boxes.
For many in our marginalized communities, access to quality food was already limited because of transportation struggles and proximity to grocery stores. This problem only grew worse with shortages caused by the pandemic. Imagine taking a 45-minute trip on public transportation to find out the store only had half of what you needed. That assumes you have the money you need to buy the food in the first place. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for so many in our community.
Families already struggling with tough choices like whether to pay the electric bill or buy groceries saw the complexity and challenge grow as income was crippled by the response to the Coronavirus.
YOUR Salvation Army is standing in the gap -- providing help and hope to our neighbors who need a little bit extra this month. While assuring the safety of staff, volunteers, and those we serve, The Salvation Army is providing meals and food boxes along with summer youth programming throughout our community.
Thank you to the amazing volunteers who make up the Army behind The Salvation Army! You are spreading HOPE.
Thank you to those whose financial support enables The Salvation Army to meet the changing needs of our community! You are spreading HOPE.