Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Member Policies and Facility Rules Image

Member Policies and Facility Rules


All applicants must fall under the definition of the membership type for which they are applying.

INDIVIDUAL:  Any person 18 years or older offers access to the swimming pool, Splash Park, open gym and fitness center as well as priority sign up for classes and events.

HOUSEHOLD:  A household consists of at least 1 adult plus 1 spouse, plus dependents under the age of 19, all living in the same household.

ALL household members with the Household membership type are required to show valid proof of address.

HOW TO APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP: Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Kroc Center must complete and submit a Membership Application which can be found online or at the Welcome Desk. Prorated membership fees will be due at the time of enrollment and may vary depending upon enrollment date. All applicants over the age of 17 are required to have a photo identification, proof of address, and/or age verification. Members without identification will not be allowed into the Kroc Center.

FORMS OF PAYMENT: *The Kroc Center requires a one-year contract for membership. Full payment of balance for current month, and if applicable, the following month must be made at the time of registration. For the initial payment, the Kroc Center will accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. Payment will be taken out of the member’s credit card account on the 20th of each month, as payment for the upcoming calendar month.

LATE FEES: If your payment is past due, a late fee of $30 will be added to your account at the time of collection. Accounts that are more than two months past due are required to pay a $39 registration prior to reactivating the account and must sign up for a new membership.

POLICIES: Non-Transferable and Non-Refundable Membership Policy:
After an application has been processed, memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable.  Memberships cannot be transferred from one member to a new individual once purchased.

CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP: The primary member may make account changes. To remove and/or add a member, or give new account information, complete a Member Change form at the Welcome Desk by the 10th of the month. Members also have the option to place the membership account on a medical hold for up to 3-months per calendar year with proper documentation.

MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATION: *see also Membership Application
Members must submit a minimum 30-day written, dated and signed Membership Change Form to cancel. Request must be submitted by the 10th day of the month for it to become effective in the following month. If a cancellation request is received after the 10th of the month, the member will be responsible for the following month’s membership fees. If a member cancels or if membership payments lapse for more than 30 days, the appropriate registration fee will be charged to reopen the membership account. Only the primary adult on the account may cancel a membership. Identification and a signature are required. Forms are available at the Kroc Center Welcome Desk.

MEMBERS: All members are required to have their membership ID card available to show Kroc Center staff at any time while in the Kroc Center. All members must bring their member cards to check-in. Members who habitually do not have a card must purchase a replacement card for $10 per card.

For safety precautions, Kroc Center members and guests are asked to check in each time they enter the facility.

MERCHANDISE SALES: Merchandise is available for purchase near the Welcome Desk. All merchandise sales are final.

ID CARDS: Any membership ID card reported stolen while in the Kroc Center should be reported to the Manager on Duty or Welcome Desk staff.  ID cards reported lost or stolen will be invalidated.  If a membership ID card is found after being reported as lost or stolen, it should be turned in to the Welcome Desk.

Any person attempting to enter the Kroc Center with a stolen ID card will have it confiscated immediately.  Membership ID cards not belonging to the bearer or suspicious use of membership ID cards may result in confiscation.  The bearer and owner will face disciplinary action (suspension or termination of Kroc Center privileges) and may face additional penalties from police officials in the case of misused membership ID cards.

REPLACEMENT FEE: Membership cards are not to be misplaced or misused in any way. If members damage, bend, cut or lose the membership card they are responsible for getting a replacement card ($10).

MEMBER GUEST PASS POLICIES: Guest Passes are for sale for use the day of purchase.  All adults purchasing a guest pass must provide ID for child safety purposes and must be with a current member.

Children six (6) months or older are required to have a membership or guest pass; to be admitted to the facility. Passes are valid all-day; however, individuals must be able to present their Guest Pass Receipt and/or wristband to the Welcome Desk in order to re-enter the facility.

Guest Pass holders must follow all Kroc Center policies & procedures.

Guest passes are non-refundable.

PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: All members and non-members that are participating in a program must check in at the Welcome Desk prior to going to the program location.  Non-members must remain in the program area at all times.

VISITORS: All non-member guests not participating in a program or rental must sign-in at the Welcome Desk. Tours will be given as requested.

RENTAL PARTICIPANTS: Check in procedures for rental participants will vary based on the arrangements made in advance.  In some cases, they will be required to check in at the Welcome Desk; however, often they will be greeted by a Party Host or Event Attendant.

REFUSAL OF ADMISSION: The Kroc Center staff reserves the right to deny admission to anyone who appears to be under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, or in any violation of any facility rules and regulations.

PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDINGS: Except for a participant in a private function, no member or guest shall take photographs or make audio or video recordings on Kroc Center premises without the advance approval of a Director. The consent of each person to be photographed or recorded should be obtained in advance except where authorized by a Director for Kroc Center purposes.

CAMERAS: No picture taking is allowed at the Kroc Center without the express consent of The Salvation Army. Violations, in particular within aquatics or locker rooms, can be cause for immediate removal from the premises.

LOST AND FOUND: Lost and found items are kept for 4 weeks. After that time the items will be donated to The Salvation Army Family Store.


PROCESS, SUSPENSION, LONG-TERM: In order to facilitate positive life experiences while at the Kroc Center, mutual respect between members, guests, and staff is required at all times. Failure to observe these policies will result in disciplinary action and/or termination of membership privileges. Center personnel have the right to refuse service to anyone deemed disruptive or abusive.

Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult (17 and over) unless enrolled or participating in a program.

Refrain from the use of foul language, abusive actions, and inappropriate behavior.

Lost membership cards must be reported. There is a $10 fee to replace a membership card.

No one under the age of 12 is allowed in the Fitness Area unless participating in a Kroc Center program or class.

Shirt and shoes must be worn in all areas outside of pools and sun deck. No swimwear or wet clothing is allowed outside of aquatic areas. Proper workout attire is required in fitness area (no street shoes or jeans.) Any clothing with logos or messages must be acceptable in a family setting.

Bicycles, roller blades, skateboards, scooters, hoverboards, or pets (excluding service animals) will not be used inside the facility.

Alcohol and/or drugs are not allowed anywhere on the premises.

Smoking and/or use of any type of smokeless tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, vapes are prohibited in the facility or on facility grounds.

Weapons of any kind are forbidden in the facility or on facility grounds. This includes the parking lot area.

Pants shall be worn at the waist.

LOCKER USE: Lockers are for use by participants at their own risk. Locks may be placed on lockers but must be removed after the day’s visit or will be removed by the Kroc Center and contents will be donated to the family store. Lockers are available for a monthly rental.

LOCKERS: Lockers are available at no charge. Members are responsible for supplying their own lock and clearing the locker after each use. No overnight storage. Any leftover locks may be cut and contents removed. Having a lock is highly recommended. The Salvation Army is not responsible for lost or stolen items

Safe & Quality Experience
The Salvation Army is dedicated to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe from physical, emotional and sexual harm.

To help ensure this policy, please report if you see any suspicious activity.

Our guidelines ensure The Kroc Center emphasizes safety in the following ways:

  • Salvation Army personnel (officers, employees and volunteers) are trained in child abuse prevention and are mandated to report suspected child/vulnerable adult abuse.
  • The Kroc Center maintains video surveillance of the facility 24 hours a day. In order to promote a safe and secure environment, The Salvation Army Kroc Center has placed video cameras in various locations.
  • Instructors are trained in appropriate interactions with Kroc members to enhance learning by creating a safe and inviting environment. Programs involving children are closely monitored to ensure adequate supervision and safe interactions between Kroc personnel and children.
  • As part of our commitment to the safety of children and vulnerable persons, The Salvation Army Kroc Center reserves the right to consult public sources to determine whether any member or guest of any member poses an unreasonable risk of harm to its patrons, staff, or visitors. The Kroc Center constantly adapts and enhances safety protocols to adjust to needs. Salvation Army personnel and volunteers undergo criminal background checks. Adults accessing the facility will be screened against public sexual offender registry.
  • The Salvation Army Kroc Center reserves the right to remove from the facility and terminate the membership of any member who fails to comply with any rules and regulation or otherwise breaches the Code of Conduct, in which case member will not be entitled to a refund of dues.
  • Note: Schedules, Pricing, Programming and Policies are subject to change without notice.

FRAGRANCES:  For the comfort of all, please refrain from excessive use of perfumes, cologne and powders.

ATTIRE: Appropriate attire must be worn at all times. Revealing attire is not allowed. Appropriate fitness attire, including shoes and a shirt, must be worn at all times in all fitness areas. Designated swim attire in pools only — no cut-off shorts or colored t-shirts.

YOUTH POLICY: For the safety and security of all children taking part in Kroc Center activities, please be aware of the age restrictions for certain programs. Please review the Age Guidelines chart below. Guests under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Guests under the age of 18 must be participating in a structured activity while at the Center. No loitering will be permitted in lobby and gathering areas. Lobby area is restricted to short-time use by patrons. Center staff reserves the right to define proper conduct and use of the areas.

DAY PASS USERS: Identification is required on all day pass users and spectators 18 and older. Facilities and/or activity use of Day Pass Users may be restricted at times.

FAMILY LOCKER ROOM: The Family Lockers are intended for use by families with young children. The Locker Rooms are also equipped with handicap accessible showers and toilets.

MANAGER'S DISCRETION: It is at the discretion of the management to ask patrons to modify their behavior and/or actions in order to maintain the safety and integrity of the Kroc Center. If compliance is not met, patrons may be asked to leave. This may result in loss of facility and membership privileges.

AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM PAYMENT: All monthly After-School program fees are due before the first of the month. Due to liability concerns, if fees are unpaid after the fifth of the month, students will not be picked up from school or allowed to attend the program. Staff members will only pick up actively enrolled children.

USE OF FACILITIES: Public drop-in access is intended for inclusive recreational use; any external person or group training/coaching is prohibited. Contact rental department for specific group requests.

CELL PHONE: For the enjoyment of all we ask that guests refrain from verbal use of cell phones or other electronic media within common areas that have other patrons present, including fitness areas and locker rooms. Within Fitness Area no texting, downloading, etc. We ask that you step away from the area if you need to accept a call or text. Electronic devices may be used for listening to music if used with an ear bud. All electronic devices are to be on vibrate only at all times while in the Center.

PROGRAM INTERRUPTIONS:  Program interruptions may occur including rental of facilities, and unannounced and unforeseen pool and fitness class closures. The Kroc Center will update members as best possible. If an instructor is absent, all attempts will be made to find a substitute. For fitness classes this may include the substitution of a different genre or use of Fitness on Demand.

CONDUCT: All patrons are expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times. Violators, including those who use offensive language, may be removed and/or barred from the facility. Patrons are to be fully engaged in activities of the designated area, including gym and fitness areas. Lobby area is restricted to short-term use by patrons. Center staff reserves the right to define proper conduct and use of areas.



  • Gym bags are to be stored in a locker and are not permitted on exercise floor.
  • Lockers are provided on a per visit basis only and are not to be kept overnight. You should bring your own lock and key. Lockers are available for a monthly rental.
  • Proper, freshly laundered gym attire is required. No clothing which contains rivets, hooks, studs, or zippers (for example, jeans). Shirts must cover chest, stomach, and back. Closed toe, athletic shoes must be worn at all times. Torn or cut off clothing, shirts with large arm-holes, flip-flops, aqua shoes, sandals, bare or stocking feet are unacceptable on the workout floor.
  • Be considerate of others, take your phone calls outside.
  • Personal Training Services are to be provided by Kroc Center Personal Trainers only.
  • Wipe down machine/bench before and after use.
  • Return all plates, barbells and dumbbells to rack after use.
  • Do not drop or bang free weights, machine weights or dumbbells.
  • No food in exercise areas. Drinks are only allowed in plastic spill proof bottles.
  • No chalk allowed in facility.
  • Do not stand on exercise benches.
  • Do not move equipment.
  • Wipe down each piece of equipment after each use.
  • No foul language.
  • No running or horseplay in fitness area.
  • Members may not bring their own exercise equipment into facility.
  • Spring collars must be used with all bars in free weight lifting. Spotters are strongly suggested.
  • No Children under 12 are allowed in exercise areas.
  • NO SMOKING or chewing gum in fitness area.
  • The Kroc Center is not responsible for any personal belongings lost, stolen, or left in fitness center.
  • 30 minute limit on cardio machines if people are waiting. First come, first serve basis. Please sign up on the waiting list with the fitness attendant.
  • No resting or sitting on machines unless you are actively using the machine.
  • Towels will not be provided to members, they should bring their own.
  • The fitness attendants will provide information on how to use the equipment along with the part of the body that is being used; this may include such things as how to adjust the seat, the weight stacks using the pin, and how to program the cardiovascular equipment.
  • Only portable headphone devices are permitted
  • Power and Olympic style lifting is prohibited.
  • Guests and members are encouraged to wear the treadmill safety clip.
  • Guests using cardiovascular or strength equipment in an unsafe manner will be instructed on appropriate techniques or procedures.
  • Youth 12-15 years old must have direct adult supervision.
  • Youth 16+ can workout on their own.
  • Current COVID-19 Mandate: 
  • Gloves covering full wrist and fingertips must be worn in Fitness Center, Group Exercise Classes and Gymnasium.



  1. All participants must place their personal belongings in the lockers.
  2. Equipment and weights should not be dropped or mishandled and may only be used during appropriate group exercise classes.
  3. All equipment must be returned to original location after class.
  4. All equipment malfunctions and maintenance needs should be reported to the Kroc Center staff.
  5. Users of the group exercise room must comply with all instructions given by the staff; the Kroc Center staff has the authority and responsibility to direct individuals not abiding by the policies or creating a disruption, to leave the facility.


Our pool rules are designed to ensure a fun, safe aquatic environment for all swimmers. It is important that the rules are enforced consistently and with courtesy and tact.

  • Obey lifeguard instructions at all times.
  • Swim attire required. (No colored T-shirts, jeans, or loose clothing.)
  • Open swim: Children 12 and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
  • No running, pushing, horseplay, or piggyback rides.
  • No gum, food, or glass containers in the pool area.
  • Children who are not potty-trained must wear a swim diaper.
  • No photography or videography.
  • Non-Swimmers must be accompanied by an adult in the water within arm’s reach.
  • No outside food, drinks or coolers.
  • Pool subject to closure at the discretion of the Lead Lifeguard for issues including, but not limited to: maintenance, contamination, or weather.
  • Must be a minimum of 4 feet tall to ride large water slides.


Appropriate swimming attire is required (no street clothes.) All females are required to wear a family-friendly swimsuit. All Males are to wear swim trunks or triathlon shorts. No cut-offs, gym shorts, or shorts with zippers. No exposed underwear. We reserve the right to ask them to wear a shirt over their swimsuit if it is not appropriate or to put on something more appropriate.

Before you come to play, you may want to:

  • Join a water fitness class
  • Start swimming laps as part of your fitness program

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