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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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The Salvation Army Family Store Image

The Salvation Army Family Store

Alamance County

Donate your lightly used items today! Image

Donate your lightly used items today!

Learn More

Making a Difference

Come Visit The Store
3720 South Church Street 
Burlington, North Carolina 27215

Store Hours
10:00AM - 6:00PM

Phone Number
(336) 350-7447


We are always looking for more volunteers!
Volunteer Application


Change. It's in the Bag

The Salvation Army Thrift store helps the community in a couple of very important ways:

  • When you donate goods, you're helping to provide items that are sold to the community or given to those with the greatest need.
  • When you shop for items at our stores, you're directly funding the life-restoring programs that exist in your community.

How Does My Donation Help?

When you bring a bag with clothes and gently used items to your local Thrift Store, The Salvation Army sorts and processes the items to add to our store inventory. We add new items every week so there's always something fresh.

The items that you donate are added to our shelves and clothing racks. Our stores are frequented by so many different people – some looking for their own unique fashion sense, some looking for a deal, some because they have nowhere else to go.

Whether they're purchased by a college student adding to their wardrobe or by a family struggling to make ends meet, these sales directly fund local, life-giving programs provided by The Salvation Army.