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Our Leadership

Our Focus Is... OTHERS

Majors Mark and Lorie Hunter

Area Commanders

Introduction to The Salvation Army

Lorie Hunter was introduced to The Salvation Army as a child when she attended the girls’ Youth Character Building program “Sunbeams.” Once married, she introduced her husband, Mark Hunter, to The Salvation Army.

Salvation Army Experience

Mark and Lorie entered The Salvation Army’s College for Officers training in August 2005 and were commissioned as captains in June 2007, receiving their first appointment as corps officers of the Irmo, South Carolina, Salvation Army Corps.

The Hunters held several appointments as corps officers, including the Smithfield Salvation Army Corps; the Rocky Mount Salvation Army Corps; and the Greenville Kroc Center as congregational life officers. 

In 2013, the Hunters were appointed to serve in Gastonia, North Carolina, where they served as corps officers for four years. 

In 2017, Captains Hunter received divisional appointments in the Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi (ALM) Division.

In 2019, Captain Lorie  was appointed divisional secretary for programs and Captain Mark was appointed divisional secretary for business.

In 2022, after 15 years of service, The Hunters promoted to the rank of Major. The Hunters love The Salvation Army for many reasons, but mostly because of its global spiritual and humanitarian work.

In 2023, the Hunters were appointed to serve as Louisville Area Commanders following a 2 year appointment in Memphis, TN.


The Hunters have three grown children, four grandchildren, and love spending time with family, outdoor activities and crafting. 




 Corps Officers (Pastors)

Major Chris Streck
Elizabethtown Corps Officer

Major Mike Good & Captain Lisa Good
Portland Corps Administrators

Natalie and Curtis Sayre
Louisville South Corps Officers



Staff Leadership

Majors Mark and Lorie Hunter  
Area Commanders

Jonathan Barfield
Executive Director of Development & Community Relations


Jeannie Boone
Executive Director
Center of Hope


Sydney Cadle
Donor Relations and Records Manager


Trevor Huffman 
Director of Volunteers Services


Debra Bellis
Resource Development & Special Event Manager


Tony Bellis
Property Director


Sharon Franklin
Human Resource Manager