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What Is Pathway of Hope?
The Pathway of Hope initiative is an approach launched by The Salvation Army in 2011 to provide targeted services to families with a desire to take action to break the generational cycle of crisis and enable a path out of poverty. It is rooted in a case management approach, focusing on client needs through a strength-based lens.
Targeting families with children came from the desire to have an intergenerational impact on poverty. By positively influencing the lives of parents, the Salvation Army can create better living conditions for children. Influencing children in their development years is crucial, as studies show that children who spend more than half of their life in poverty are 32 times more likely to be in poverty as an adult.
Caring for your family’s needs, while building a strong future can be challenging in today’s economic times. The Salvation Army team will offer support, guidance and assistance as we walk alongside you on your family’s journey:
Mapping it out
Meet with a caseworker to develop your personalized action plan.
Tracking Progress
Chart your progress and see your success with your dedicated case worker on a regular basis.
Passing Milestones
See where you are at six months and decide what’s next on your journey.
Looking ahead
Celebrate your successes. Adjust any further goals. Encourage others.
Through your involvement with Pathway of Hope, you’ll be introduced to both Salvation Army and other services that are available within your community which offer:
Service Connector to:
Donating to Pathway of Hope and The Salvation Army ensures that our programming can continue to help thousands of people in need across Florida.