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Serving the Underserved Image

Serving the Underserved

We aim to provide services to anyone who needs them in Central Oklahoma.

How We Help

Every day, we help hundreds of individuals in Central Oklahoma. We offer unique, local programs, designed to meet the specific needs in our five county area: Canadian, Cleveland, Logan, McClain and Oklahoma Counties. Explore the ways we provide services at The Salvation Army's Central Oklahoma Area Command or find your nearest location to discover local programming.

Christmas Assistance

The Salvation Army recognizes that holidays can bring added financial and emotional stress for families in need. We offer a variety of services to help families and individuals make it through more difficult holiday seasons.

Fighting Hunger

The Salvation Army wants to ensure that no one is without the proper nutrition that is needed to sustain a healthy lifestyle. In Central Oklahoma, we combat hunger with a nightly hot meal service, as well as food pantries that ensure that families are able to provide nutritious meals at home. Learn more here.

Helping the Homeless

At The Salvation Army of Central Oklahoma, we have an open door policy when it comes to those needing help with housing - whether they need a place to rest their head inside our doors or need help finding a way to stay in their own home. All are welcome, and every night, we help men, women, youth and children sleep safely and dream of a better tomorrow. Learn more here.

Social Programming

Our social programs offer life enrichment opportunities, meals, transportation, and connection to social services that benefit youth, adults and seniors. The Salvation Army Youth Ministries of Oklahoma City provides out-of-school care and activities for youth, which you can learn more about here. The senior centers aid the elderly through community meals, engaging activities, and strong friendships. Learn more here.

Financial Assistance

The Salvation Army of Central Oklahoma provides emergency financial assistance to households in need. We provide financial assistance with utility and housing, while also partnering with other local agencies to provide resources that meet a variety of needs. Learn more here.




Where We Serve

We are The Salvation Army of Central Oklahoma, which serves communities in Oklahoma, Cleveland and Canadian Counties. We are one of four Area Commands within the Arkansas & Oklahoma Division, and part of an International organization, headquartered in London. 

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